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Discussion-Wastewater <br /> By war of updating the Committee, Mr. Storrs stated MCL , <br /> }Duncan wood, and Andrew Gottlieb met with the Sever Commission in <br /> April, . He stated the h . torcal issues relating to the Mashpee <br /> Kiger were discussed. <br /> Mr. Stprrs stated MCLP and Mr. Gottlieb also attended tie <br /> June 4. 199 Sewer Commission meeting which. was, unfortunately <br /> not very well attended by the Sewer Commissioners. <br /> Mt. Storrs provided all Committee Members bers with copses of a <br /> Memo Dated June 4, 190, From Duncan W. Wood, . . , Sanborn, Head <br /> Associates, Inc. , Regarding Wastewater management Planning for <br /> Mashpee Longer Term Goals - Shorter TerM Alternatives/Actions, <br /> which everyone took a moment to read: l-Bringing the history up <br /> to date. .2-Reaffirmation o h preferable 1 . term- §olution of <br /> treatiftg the effluent at eXisting plant locations and moving the <br /> treated effluent to a point farther south- to r lti atel enter <br /> either the o orl set. Bay' or Nantucket Sound. 3-State fijnanciriq <br /> is limited, .n . s s an emergency s i tuat ion. e i s t , which would be <br /> very unlikely in Mashpee. 4-Facilities planning process under <br /> DEP guidelines, which is what Dr. Rowes has begun. 5-Listg 5-Listthe <br /> three options that have the best potential for a positive impact <br /> upon the Mashpee River, a Deepening the River channel, which <br /> is currently being pursued by the. watershed Management Committee <br /> in conjunction with the Waterways Commission. Dredging will <br /> improve fiushing flushingand removo nutrients from the bottom of the <br /> River. Join Ru hins i arr ived- at the Meeting at than point, <br /> p.m. Reducing the amount of n t�rdgen reaching the <br /> lower Riverby removing nitrogen from a greater portion' of the <br /> total watershed discharge... Incorporating users located along the <br /> River into the system would avoid new flow into the waterphed and, <br /> seduce existing flow. Moving effluent out of the mashpee <br /> lover watershed and directing t into either Popponesset Bay or <br /> Nantucket Sound. <br /> Mr.. Storrs reported that the Sewer Commission has asked i <br /> t <br /> it would be possible for buncan Wood to continue working for th <br /> Sewer Commisshi n in order to study the ent%.ire Mashpee River <br /> watershed -on the west side of tl River. Mr. Storms made <br /> k <br /> reference to a -Town of Mashpee Map, indi-cating existing land <br /> uses, built neighborhoods, the Highwood Wells-zone' I . Mr. <br /> Storrs a plain" d the area .is being mapped out in order to <br /> deterrmine areas where the treated effluent could not be disposed. <br /> kr. Storrs .indicated- the possible locations being, the Industrial <br /> Park, land on Great Neck Road South, the Keeter• parcel area, and <br /> the- former Ch ist the King Church site. Mr. Storrs pointed out <br /> other prime areas- south of Popponesset and east of Great Flat <br /> old. <br /> lr. Storrs suggested Duncan wood attend the next scheduled <br /> Committee Meeting in in order -to report his findings to this <br /> - - <br />