The- esult of which, would be the allowance of and additional
<br /> -thirty-ogle 01bedrooms, wltIri the prof e t based upon t same
<br /> amount of" open space-.
<br /> Amendment,-Definition of Bedroom as referred to iii the' oSI
<br /> by1-aw- in order-- -to' -conf-orm -. i-t` .t he def'initl - used -'gin he -state
<br /> Title v -waste water- regulation'.
<br /> Where -bei no -pu llcomment on the' Town Planner" s,
<br /> presentation of proposed bylaw amendments,, the Chai'r an-
<br /> -re Co k d Buff- ,Chace-,, General ral - art er -of, Mashpee -Common s--- Ltd.
<br /> Partnership.
<br /> r. Chace suggested e- should, put forth- .a brief'- presentation
<br /> in order-, to concentrate on specific arid' direct questions from, the
<br /> meirbers f- the, pu i-i - in attendance-, this- evening'. e then-
<br /> extended this, appreciation, to the Committee+ Members, for- the"Im r
<br /> -attendance, -as well as -to --the ,members of the --pu llc', -and -t M-r,.
<br /> Mil i s-- f or- moderating.
<br /> Mr. Chace acknowled ed' a number of changes/improvements have
<br /> been --made tothe - as-hpee Common's- Mast`er Plan -a. -. - "direct- xes lt:
<br /> f public input. ppications for- per ittin ' have been- filed,
<br /> . ,the _Proces - is- now before .the Cape -Cad- -Coumi ss°i'on', and.. a
<br /> pr e l-imina -y hearing has, been c,o ducted'.
<br /> Mr. Ch-ac e spoke -to the proposed,zoni ng charges and to the
<br /> permitting proces's'. He doted the proce's's-, "Will ga forward and-
<br /> at - he changes -being- pro se-d- --f.or,_ �' own Meeting- -approval. --wil
<br /> bereft L the dere 1 open . proc e s s-. He 's -d the- t erm- n making-- own-
<br /> rather- -than -ff+devel opi - azhpee Commons"-. He statedted 'the propo's'ed
<br /> changes would: allow- for- the., making, of" ar better- Town, better,
<br /> Village-, -t an -what could be done- under- thie exis�t,ung. bylaws',
<br /> -espe ally ,with ,r er nce -to the -oS I ' bylaw.
<br /> Mr. Chace, then made r'efere ic,e 'to certain, questiorm, raised._by
<br /> the ,c±tl e s.. of-theF Town and whit est`ions- --are o be, the ba4sls
<br /> of, dis-cus'slons- witly the- permitting a thorit-,iez-:
<br /> 'ra f-fic-Mr-. Chaze acknowl-edqed ,pubdIc- -concern in t IL's,
<br /> regard., assuring citizens -that Mashpee Commons, as" chosen, a type.
<br /> of -developmentbelieved .t. l ow f or, --reduced tri s. r'. Chace
<br /> made it very-- clear- t� at� fas e.e.- an
<br /> Co on--s� under-stands the. concerns
<br /> -that have beeryvokeed --regard-in -this .-3 sue -.-and -t- at Mashpee
<br /> Commons, has- addre s-s- d.- this issue- as- higly prl-or i ty_ to-, the est- of--
<br /> their ab i1 *t ". He wel comed an f rt:her.- sugg estion s -that -fie
<br /> appropriate .to incor orate- Into- the plan.
<br /> wastewater- r-. Chance a c kn owl-edged pu i c-- c n r- .- in- this-
<br /> -regard
<br /> is-
<br /> e ar-d ein environmental .i_s..s es, -e-specially a's -they -affect -the
<br /> Mash ee River. He noted on's it-ant", Duncan, Woods-, wase ire,
<br /> attendance and would speak to the'se issue's/concerns. Mr. Chace
<br /> stated, that Mash e, Commons Is, committed.- t,o, the- concept of--
<br />