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The Moderator recognized Cheryl Shepley, who made inquiries <br /> regarding the Commercial Center Bylaw. She asked where this <br /> bylaw would be applied. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated it would apply within the C-1 Commercial <br /> Zone, being the area located around the rotary. It does not <br /> apply to Industrial . Nix. Fudala also noted this Bylaw could be . <br /> amended by future Town meeting action, if an extension was <br /> proposed. <br /> Ms. Shepley inquired as to the detailed traffic impact <br /> report, as required. She commented negatively upon the current <br /> traffic situation at Mashpee Commons. <br /> Both the Moderator and Town Planner stated a report on the <br /> traffic study would be forthcoming. Mr.. Fudala stated the <br /> traffic report is normally conducted by a consultant hired by the <br /> Applicants and reviewed by the Town Staff, or occasionally with <br /> the assistance o f the Cape Cock Commission. <br /> Ms. Shepley then inquired about the construction and <br /> operation of parking facilities. she specified the parking lot <br /> at "Gone Tomatoes" which has since been replaced by a building. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that the plan approved by the Board of <br /> Appeals in 1985 shows said area to be a building site that was <br /> temporarily being used as a parking lot . <br /> Ms. Shepley inquired as to required parking facilities <br /> within 1 ashpee Commons. <br /> Mr. Fudala noted discussion was getting away from zoning <br /> changes, but stated that under the current zoning bylaw, parking <br /> requirements relate to how many square feet of different types of <br /> commercial uses that will dictate how many parking spaces have to <br /> e provided. <br /> The Moderator cautioned all questions pertain to the zoning <br /> amendments . <br /> Mr. Fudala explained the proposed Bylaw would provide for <br /> shared parting lots and on-street parking which is not currently <br /> allowed. <br /> 1s. Shepley inquired as to bedroom restrictions. <br /> Mr. Fudala explained the proposed Bylaw would require one <br /> and one-half 1. 1. houses worth of residential units in order <br /> to create a lot with no restriction. <br /> Ms . Shepley asked about the reduction in setback for sewage <br /> facilities. <br /> -5- <br />