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proposed in order to move forward, be made known to members of <br /> the public. <br /> r. Chace commented it is the opinion of MCLP that the <br /> zoning changes will improve the result of the plan; although the <br /> plan will move forward without them. Mr. Storrs concurred. <br /> The committee agreed Mr. Fudala should be. placd at the <br /> beginning of the agenda for this purpose (10-minutes) . <br /> m-r. Storrs suggested all hand--buts be provided at the <br /> conclusion of the Meeting, to prevent people from reading <br /> (becoming distracted) during the Meeting. <br /> Selectman Marsters suggested Mr. Fudala respond to questions <br /> immediately after his presentation of said zoning Articles, in <br /> order to resolve any issues on the subject and to acquire <br /> closure. He further suggested it is the zoning Articles people <br /> find confusing,, - .not the reports. <br /> Mr. Chace asked Beverly ane ' or her input. Mr. Kane stated <br /> she feels some issues continue to be overlooked, which is- the <br /> reason the zoning Articles were previously defeated; that being, <br /> the fiscal impact and- other studies were not presented as <br /> -promised. (She stated she feels people did not vote against the <br /> zoning articles because they are against thea, it was done for <br /> other reasons. <br /> Robert Lynch stated his opinion that the floor~ should be <br /> opened up for questions at the conclusion- of Mr. Fudal. ' s <br /> presentation of the zoning Articles. <br /> Mr. Chace asked Ms. Kane if she feels thre will be problems <br /> if -the fiscal impact consultant, due to a conflict, is unable to <br /> attend the Public- Meeting. MS. Kane responded, "Definitely" . <br /> She further stated she feels that any -type of incomplete <br /> pre entation to the public will be subject to criticism. <br /> Mr. Storrs stated it would be possible to provide a <br /> discussion of the fiscal impacts with an executive smeary <br /> included within the hand.-out information. <br /> Selectman Marsters stated he respects Ms. Kane' s opinion in <br /> this matter. <br /> Ms . Kane inquired as to the receipt of three 3) letters <br /> submitted by Mr. Edward Baker to the conmittee. Mr. Storrs <br /> stated he is not in receipt 'of the letters, that he has received <br /> n comments regarding the fiscal i p ct . <br /> Mr. whritenour acknowledged receipt of a letter dated July <br /> 2 , 1 , hs tat ing he has not received the other two. <br /> -3- <br />