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The driveway needs to be expanded to at least 1 ' vide to accommodate ambulances, perhaps <br /> more su. ject to the review of the 1/20 scale site plan. Everyone is intrigued by the ' kettle hole <br /> depression in the Diddle of the site, possibly vernalpool there. Steve Solbo will investigate this <br /> further since there are a string of wetlands with Quaker Run. They will need to file under the <br /> Town By Law, not wetlands Act, to add fill up to 3-00sf. Steve will do a site visit soon. Charlie <br /> suggested to lower the top of foundation to better accommodate handicap access. <br /> In summary, they will accommodate the following requests:. Central staircase, sketch fire rating, <br /> fire stair, l hour separation sketch, code analysis, sprinkler agree with interpretation, extend access <br /> points at end of building, (northerly extended as well),-improve access with full fire lane, 141 in <br /> front of door, 20' scale plan templates. They will consider hiring a fire protection engineer. They <br /> will t Lich base with DPW Greg Taylor on the 2 curb cut permits for Carleton Drive. <br /> They will revise plans and continue with the comprehensive permit process with Z A. They will <br /> return with modifications and proceed with the 40B process due to the constraints with financial <br /> funding deadlines. They will proceed to Design Review. <br /> Timothy Leedham <br /> 21 Frog fond Close <br /> Discussion - 1 lashpee Deck Marina <br /> Jim Hanks from waterways Conunission and Susan Nilson from CLE Engineering attending <br /> His goal is to go from 61 slips to 152 slips by dredging a larger area and using the spoils to raise <br /> the grade on the landward side. There is a low gully that exists now that he intends to fill up and <br /> regrad e, creating a gentle slope. He w)I1 install a 2 0' retaining wall. He i s proposing to replace <br /> the wooden structure and bulkhead, raise the elevation 6' - ' for high tide, provide al uminuet <br /> Moats and handicap access ramp. He will use a three-way configuration for the slips, wave <br /> attenuators and floats. This will require a category 2 permit from the Array Corps of Engineers. <br /> This 1s a huge scale project with a lot of permitting issues that fall under Ch.91 and local <br /> 'Wetlands ConCon permits. The building is an old barrack which he plans to demolish and build <br /> new. There wi 11 be a new fueling location. He hopes to create a better flow with the placement of <br /> the one-story building. The abutter Marino is favorable of the plan. There will be no boat <br /> racking since he sloes a significant amount of work with Bosun's. Steve Solbo stated there may <br /> be some problems with dredging since there is no room for mitigation and the vegetation is <br /> established now. Under Ch. 91 the water dependent use needs to be proved. There are <br /> environmental impacts and considerations. Steve requested a more detailed plan to -revie . A 1'r <br /> - 20' site plan is needed. The layout of the parking will stay the same. He is looking to better the <br /> turning radius when putting boats in the water. perry Alis, Harbormaster, and Rick York, <br /> Shellfish warden, have been included in the planning process. Perry wants Dock A shortened by <br /> one section slips) and added to Dock C, in ease the channel moves and shifts. There are no <br /> shellfish beds there according to Rick York (per the owner). Glen asked about redoing the fuel <br />