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but if they comply after the first year, we can revisit it and possibly allow after one year even though <br /> the enforcement states three years. <br /> Clean Up at John's Pond <br /> The Agent referred to a document prepared by the Assistant Conservation Agent for the Clean Up <br /> at John's Pond for the Commissioners to sign which outlines the details to allow the volunteers to <br /> camp out at John's Pond. <br /> HEARINGS: <br /> 6:00 Thomas Smith (Applicant), 1437 Great Hay Road. Proposed aquaculture project in <br /> Great River. Owner of record: United States of America. At request of applicant, continued <br /> from 3122 to obtain state and other local approval/permits. NOI <br /> The Agent stated the applicant has requested a continuance. <br /> Motion: Mr. Sweet moved to continue the hearing at the request of the applicant to June 14 <br /> at 6:00 p.m., seconded by Mr. Smith. Vote unanimous 6-0 <br /> 6:03 Carl F. Cavossa, Jr. and Kristen Cavossa, 345 Monomoscoy Road. Proposed <br /> demolition of dock and pilings and reconstruction of a pier, ramp, float and pile structure. <br /> At request of applicant, continued from 3122 for revised plans addressing <br /> Shellfish/Harbormaster concerns. NOI <br /> Resource Area: LSCSF, Land Under Ocean, Land Under Ocean, Salt Marsh, BVW, Land <br /> Containing Shellfish.(Little River) <br /> Jack Landers-Cauley, J.E. Landers-Cauley, represented the applicants. He explained they have <br /> submitted updated.plans which addressed the concerns of the Shellfish/Harbormaster. He stated <br /> the proposed project is the razing of an old dock and pilings and re-construction of a combination <br /> fixed pier, ramp, float and two spring piles. The fixed portion of the dock and piles will be <br /> permanent. The ramp and floats are removable which will be removed each fall. He explained the <br /> procedure for the installation of the piles. He reviewed the existing plan and the revised.plan and <br /> noted they modified the dock about 6 to 8 feet further inland. They moved the dock two feet further <br /> to the north and noted the dock is not going any further closer to the channel than what presently <br /> exists from the south and the north. He spoke about the original amnesty license and said given <br /> the circumstances of the past to consider the piles have been there awhile but the plan didn't <br /> reflect them. <br /> Carl Cavossa, owner, stated the Shellfish Constable asked them to remove three piles at the end <br /> of the dock and we were able to remove 4 total. He showed the contour lines of the channel on the <br /> plan. <br /> The Agent stated the Harbormaster hasn't submitted any additional comments but the navigation <br /> will be taken up at the State level. He reviewed the Shellfish Constable comments which stated if <br /> there is an increase in the number of pilings he would not support the project due to the area being <br /> a highly productive shellfish area. <br /> There was much discussion about the amount of the pilings and the net increase would be one. <br /> [Type here] <br />