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The Agent inquired about the elimination of the steps and this could be addressed at the Chapter <br /> 91 hearings. <br /> Bob Luckraft, an abutter, reviewed the history of the property as he remembered it since 1991. He <br /> reviewed the contour of the river. He said the dock coming out 10 feet into the river will make it <br /> difficult for boats to turn around. <br /> Mitigation options were discussed and it was suggested additional shellfish could be introduced to <br /> the area but would require some planning to be worked out with the Department of Natural <br /> Resources which could then be added as a condition in the Order of Conditions. This could be <br /> mitigation for the additional pile, The Agent stated navigation would be addressed at the State <br /> level. <br /> Motion: Mr. Smith moved to Close and Issue with the condition the mitigation will be <br /> worked out with the Shellfish Constable and the Conservation Agent, seconded by Mr. <br /> Sweet. Vote 6-0 unanimous <br /> 6:06 Amy L. Branton, et al Trustees, 94 Summersea Road. Proposed tree pruning. RDA <br /> Resource Area: Coastal bank, buffer zone to coastal bank(Ockway Bay) <br /> Mr. Branton, homeowner, explained his proposed project is to trim one small oak tree to improve <br /> the sight lines from the house to the dock which is a safety issue for their grandchildren and also <br /> the removal of dead limbs and the hanging limbs on two pine trees over the walkway. He said <br /> there is also a third pine that is need of trim of the dead wood. The Agent showed the trees on <br /> slides and how the one tree blocks the view of the dock and is a safety concern. The Agent <br /> recommended the pruning and suggested the trees be monitored after the trimming to try and <br /> preserve the rest of the tree and recommended a Negative Determination. He also recommended <br /> the trimming of the tree hanging over the roof of the house. <br /> Motion: Mr. Sweet moved a Negative Determination, seconded by Mr. Shaw. Vote <br /> unanimous 6-0 <br /> 6:09 Gloria L. Clough, 211 Daniels Island Road. Proposed Addition of patio and mitigation <br /> plantings. NOI <br /> Resource Area: Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank, Salt Marsh, Land Under Ocean, LSCSF <br /> Chuck Rowlands, Sullivan Engineering, represented the applicant. He stated the Commission <br /> recently approved the resurfacing of the pool, rebuilding the pool patio terrace, rinse station and <br /> trash storage bin. The project is to reconfigure the patio and walkway area. The work will have no <br /> impact on the stability of the coastal bank and the work will result in a reduction of landscape within <br /> the 50' buffer and as mitigation native plantings are proposed to improve the buffer strip. <br /> The Agent showed the existing conditions on photographs and the proposed. He said it is <br /> essentially a request for a waiver where they are looking to increase the patio space up to the <br /> stonewall. He said the bank is armored and not a sediment source. It is stable and what is being <br /> proposed will not impact the coastal bank but wanted to make sure that there are conditions <br /> imposed that the runoff doesn't seep over the bank and undermine the stories over time. <br /> [Type here] <br />