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ASHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE - REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 2, 1997 PAGE <br /> Ms. Macdonald expressed concern over kindergarten registrations <br /> proving they are indeed Mashee residents. A discussion followed on <br /> requirements for registering students. <br /> 7.6 FY98Bumet � Dr. I ell oura discussed the $10,500,000 School <br /> Committee recommendation. <br /> 7.6.1 Selectmen's Recommendation - $9,700,000 - Dr. I eMo ra said <br /> this amount would be the Board of Selectmen's recommendation and <br /> they would be amenable t "small override." <br /> 7.6.2 Finance Committee's Recommendation - $9,400,000 - This <br /> amount is the Finance Committee's recommendation for the FY98 School <br /> Budget. <br /> 7.6.3 Committee's Direction for Further Deductions - Mr. Maxton asked <br /> the Committee their thoughts on the above recommendations. <br /> Ms. Macdonald said.she "finds it difficult tog xe for aoverride" and the <br /> Committee should try for $9,700,000 or "something close to it. <br /> Mrs. Lynch said she cannot support an override at this time and <br /> suggested $9,700,000 with $100,000 incremental increased. <br /> Mr. Paxton said $9,700,000 is "very tight" and would be in jeopardy of <br /> negative numbers for next year. <br /> Mrs. Mills does not support an override for only school business. She <br /> said she would like the figure to be under $10,000,000. She raised <br /> negotiations issue regarding teacher buy-back and suggested an <br /> executive session meeting later. <br /> Mrs. Cook said she would still support a $10,00 ,000 FY98 budget. <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Lynch, seconded by Ms. Macdonald, not to seek an <br /> override for the FY98 budget. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br />