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A <br /> Mashpee Wampanoag Affordable Housing <br /> 183 Meetinghouse Road <br /> Plan Review <br /> Page two <br /> one test be conducted in each of the SWMA with the soil logs and infiltration rates as <br /> determined in the field to be shown on the plan prior to final approval. <br /> 3. The report (pp 5) suggests that only a portion of the rain garden Pond3 would be built at the <br /> time of road construction and that the remainder would be built once full build out of the project <br /> is complete. <br /> 4. This area is a relatively small portion of the full road construction. It would make more sense to <br /> do the full construction of Pond 3 while construction equipment is on site and doing similar <br /> work for the other areas. It would also eliminate disturbance of otherwise stabilized areas in <br /> the future. The added cost of constructing the full area at the beginning would be much less <br /> than having to mobilize equipment at a later date and to have to provide temporary measures <br /> for stormwater while the new area stabilizes. It is recommended that the full area of Pond 3 be <br /> constructed. <br /> 5. Is it the intent of the design to clear cut each of the SWMA that are in natural depressions to <br /> the tree lines shown on the plans? If so, a note to that affect or a designation of the proposed <br /> tree line should be provided. <br /> 6. All of the pipe size calculations were done for a 10 year storm. The calculation should be done <br /> for the 25 year storm as required by Section IX(J)(6) of the regulations. <br /> 7. The pipe detail tabulation provided at the end of the report shows the invert elevations for pipe <br /> flow entering and leaving structures. In each case the invert elevations of the flow out is higher <br /> than the invert elevations for flow in. Please explain. Customary practice is to have the <br /> elevations for pipe inverts out at least 0.10 feet below the invert in. <br /> 8. Exfiltration rates have been indicated based on soil type and the Rawls method for drawdown <br /> time in the SWMA. This assumes that the appropriate soil conditions occur where the leaching <br /> pit wicks are located. If other conditions exist, the analysis will not be correct. <br /> Soil investigation in each of the SWMA should be done to confirm the analysis provided. This <br /> is especially true in the deep depressions where the SWMA are located as soil formations <br /> could be different there than in the higher elevations. <br /> 9. The TSS removal sheet should show that at least 80% TSS removal is obtained for each <br /> system. <br /> Ladder Tower Turning Radius Plan <br /> For most situations the turning radius information shown on the plans indicates that there <br /> will not be interference for maneuvering. However, the outside line of travel for the platform <br /> extends over the sidewalk area shown around the main cul-de-sac at the end of the double <br /> roadway. If any improvements such as light poles or trees are within this line of travel they could <br /> be a hindrance to safe maneuvering of the apparatus. Sufficient clearance for such items should <br /> be allowed for. <br /> Roadway Construction Plans <br /> General Comment: All of the plans call for the use of reinforced cement concrete drainage pipe <br /> which is more than acceptable. Was any consideration given to the use of ADS pipe? The latter is <br /> easier to lay and installation is quicker. It is also acceptable for use in standard drainage facilities <br /> such as the proposed project. <br /> Sheet 2 of 12: <br /> 1. Dimensions should be provided for SWMA#2 and #3. The full build out dimensions of SWMA <br /> #3 should be shown. <br /> 2. The discharge pipe at the end of the cul-de-sac on Road B ends at the top of a relatively steep <br /> slope. There is a potential for erosion of the 10 foot wide swale that is proposed for the slope. <br />