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548 Falmouth Road (continue�� <br /> u i Felix explained the tree that was removed was done because it was a vision <br /> safety issue for drivers} Mary said Town has rules about keeping trees but if <br /> safety concern then can be removed. <br /> Mr. Felix said there was an existing irrigation system but underground pipes were <br /> broken; they repaired what was there and had no digging whatsoever. Irrigation <br /> system is working now. <br /> Mary LeBlanc said with the plantings put in come winter there will be nothing <br /> there. She felt adding more evergreens would he appropriate. Mr. Felix said <br /> they can do that. <br /> Mr. Felix said they did not change any site lines at all. Walter Yarosh said <br /> according to the site Plan plantings are on property not owned by Applicant. <br /> Walter suggested they may want to send a letter to the State that they are doing <br /> planting on property not theirs. Walter said they should copy the Town on the <br /> letter. <br /> Walter advised that the signage was never approved.,.Mr. Cook said there was a <br /> change and it was done by someone else; they didn't do this. <br /> Johathan Furbush stated that the parking spaces on the Plan do not line up and <br /> there is.a propane tank in one space. <br /> s <br /> Glen Harrington said it is not the right septic system that is being shown on the <br /> Plan. <br /> The committee advised the Applicant must provide an updated Plan. Walter <br /> advised that it is illegal to take stamped Plan and add to the Plan after it is <br /> stamped. Walter suggested they get the right Plan, such as the new septic Plan, <br /> and add landscape plan to that. D `gas-built" Plan so we can have on record. <br /> Glen Farrington said if they go to the Board of Health office they will pull the files <br /> o they can get the septic Plan. <br /> CONCLUSION: Applicant to submit the neva Landscape Plan to Building <br /> Department and Design Review will review the Plan 'Informally.. <br /> The Design Review committee to continue in a combined meeting with the Plan <br /> Review committee. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ,I n ili er#i <br /> Q- ecord i ng Secretary <br />