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a BOS Administrative Mtg. <br /> 6(9/81 <br /> • Page 3. <br /> 8) The Exec. Secretary reported there were five finalists for the police <br /> positions, and these five were to be interviewed the past evening. <br /> They will then be given psychoanalytic tests, and their applications <br /> would then come before this Board. He reported that the Police Chief <br /> would like to have 3 men hired. Sel. Thomas asked if we had received <br /> the Chief' s recommendations regarding personnel changes. The Executive <br /> Secretary replied that they have not been received, but he will ask the <br /> Chief for- them. <br /> 9) The Executive Secretary on the upcoming testimonial for Bernice Grant, <br /> former Town Clerk, and that he is in possession of tickets for those <br /> who are interested in obtaining them. <br /> 10) The Executive Secretary reported that he may have misinterpreted this <br /> Board' s wishes pertaining to the position of Recreation Director. it <br /> was his impression that this Board preferred that the position be a <br /> part time one, but last Tuesday' s minutes appeared to indicate other- <br /> ma have chap <br /> stated that things wise. Sel. Thomas g Y ed between last g <br /> Tuesday' s meeting, and the regular meeting on Wednesday. She recalled <br /> that there was going to be . some. inter-departmental discussions.. Chm. <br /> Garland stated that it'was his feeling that the' Town should have a <br /> full-time person in summer, part-time in winter._ The Executive. Secre- <br /> tary stated that he would Put together a preliminary job description <br /> along those lines, for the meeting the next day. (The Minutes of the <br /> • Administrative Meeting of the previous week carried the report of Sel. <br /> Thomas' inquiry of parents of children Participating in the recreation <br /> program. The "majority" referred to who favored continuing with a full <br /> time recreation director referred to a majoritv, of• the parents , not a <br /> majority of the Selectmen. ) " <br /> 11I.The Executive Secretary reported there has apparently been a case of <br /> "red flu" affecting the members of the Fire Department. There has also <br /> been a rash of unauthorized "shift swapping"that has created some <br /> problems in scheduling. The Selectmen felt this was an administrative <br /> problem to be dealt with. The Exec. Secretary said it can be anticipa- <br /> ted that someone who resigns is going to- attempt to use of his sick <br /> leave, but there have been a number of others, as well . <br /> Chm. Garland stated he has never liked the idea of "delayed resignations" . <br /> Anyone who resigns immediately becomes a lame duck" , he feels. Chm. <br /> Garland continued that he feels the new Chief, when appointed, should <br /> be a stron4 administrator. This is admittedly difficult for someone <br /> who has been appointed from the ranks - they are apt to remain too <br /> close to the men. This fact is recognized by the current chief, who <br /> has discussed this with Chairman Garland. The Executive Secretary <br /> feels this problem can be relieved if the person is elevated gradually <br /> through the ranks, and is given some leadership responsibility in the <br /> interim, before he is appointed to the top job. He cited Curt Frye as <br /> a positive example. <br /> • 12) Executive Secretary presented the draft of a letter that is to be sent <br /> to prospective members of the Public Works Building Committee, for the <br /> Board' s approval. He asked if it should be sent to any others than <br /> those named last week? The Selectmen present felt Harold Collins <br /> should be appointed- as a consultant to the Committee, and suggested <br /> awaiting reaction from these four before appointing others. <br />