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02/16/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
02/16/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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dk <br /> Pace 3. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1,,) are going to get to the town beach trying to get through all these <br /> people standing in line to get to the state beach. The state has <br /> in mina to have a control center where the Jonas property is . That <br /> will not inter fe r. with the town' s operations what soveve r. she feels <br /> that we would be remiss if we didn' t all work together. <br /> Executive secretary replied that he thinks the townspeople supported <br /> the State acquisition based on an agreement. An agreement that was <br /> drafted over a lona period of time by. the townspeople through an <br /> advisory body and the State, Ike- said one of the key eliments to this <br /> agreement, was the reconstruction of Great Oak Road. He said that at <br /> this. submitted point a request has been suitted for $800 ,'000 . u <br /> o . to reconstruct <br /> the road and the. state has not appropriated fund nor approved the <br /> authorization for borrowing. He feels , if , the state is allowed to <br /> - open the beach on a limited- basis they will have less incentive .on the <br /> part of the Commonwealth to- rebuild the road. - He said furthermore <br /> the indication. of the plans that. was diving to- the south Cape Beach <br /> Advisory Committee indicated. that the gate- to the state facility <br /> was not at r. - Joras ' s. property. but along was is the present- dirt <br /> portion which is now Great Oak Road, He said. their are question to <br /> the accessibility to the town beach that the planners could not answer,, <br /> He feels our problem is that we are going to open up the town beach <br /> very shortly' and if the s-tate hasn-' t come up with a plan in six months <br /> what are they . going to do in the next 'four months ,, <br /> hm. Thomas said the Recreation Director should move along with her <br /> plains w of operating a town beach. Executive secretary said that their <br /> is another problem involved-. He ' said what is the position of the <br /> Selectmen on the town beach with the residents permits - versus the <br /> non residents . He stated that approximately half of the revenue for <br /> the town last year came from non residents . Chm. Thomas said that <br /> this should be the same as last year. Executive Secretary said, Met <br /> us assume that the State Park is opened on a limited basis and the <br /> parking lot has room for 100 to' .120, cars and there is an influx of <br /> people who come down to use the state facility,, at that point the- <br /> people would not be allowed to go onto the town beach.' . Chm. Thomas <br /> said they would pay a non residential fee . He feels this is a town <br /> policy that will have to be decided very shortly. <br /> Wendy Dubin, the Recreation Director was recognized by the Chairwoman. <br /> Ms . Rubin stated that .She had net with Mr. Peterson -yesterday after- <br /> noon to discuss the possibilities and conditions, trying to get all <br /> the ifs covered, she said that one of- the possibilities was that <br /> if they did have limited use this year the would dive us what we want. <br /> We could reserve spaces at out parking lot, or allow the other spaces <br /> to be filled as they become available. we could tale thea. as a- first <br /> come first serge basis as we did in the past or we could request that <br /> they fill their parking lot first , and send the excess to us. My per- <br /> sonal feeling t this point, I cannot see us maintaining the services <br /> on the beach financially without' the non residents . She feels if <br /> this cannot be worked out we will definately need a policy to be sot. <br />
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