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BOARD OF SELECTMEN 'age <br /> MINUTES <br /> MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1992 <br /> Dr . Deioura re; FY 92 Emergency School Aid : <br /> The sum of $250, 700 is requested by the School Department for <br /> emergency educational assistance relates Br . Deioura . <br /> For an example, i f Mashpee is awarded $100,000, 50 of the sum <br /> is a grant and the remaining % is to be paid back over the next <br /> five years at $10,000 per year. The cherry sheet reimbursement would <br /> have to increase by the amount of money we are expected to pay back <br /> indicates Dr, DeMoura . If the reimbursement doesn ' t increase sufficiently, <br /> that year is forgiven. <br /> Selectman Lawrence has no objection, but in the final analysis <br /> we will be paying back the Commonwealth. If the grant is successful , <br /> it should be -ear-marked for exactly what the grant is to be used for <br /> he indicates . <br /> Mrs , Greeff.i sh not'es that this i a one shot deal with this type <br /> of application. She commends the usage ,.for the reading program and <br /> specific priorities, but. not to hire new staff . <br /> We will not be hiring new staff indicates Dr. Deioura. The focus <br /> is .not to lay off. He notes that chapter 70 and 71 funds are for ed- <br /> ucational reimbursement in special education and transportation. <br /> Mr . Ferriday has recommended to view this further. The determina- <br /> tion of the spending cap is due to the financial problems in Town <br /> which are personnel . Our .reality is to lay off personnel . <br /> If we don ' t act upon this, it will not be on their desk by January <br /> 30th indicates Dr. Deloura, <br /> Mr , Harrington recommends to submit the application. We would be <br /> remiss if we didn ' t pursue the funding. Selectman Lawrence notes that <br /> he is reluctantly supportive with no idea of the cost in the final <br /> analysis . <br /> Selectman Jacobson adds that if we apply for the aid and obtain <br /> the funding, we could chose to reject it if lt'�effect .us financially. <br /> *The motion was made by Selectman Lawrence to support the application <br /> for FY 92 Emergency School Aid. The motion was seconded by Selectman <br /> Mills . The vote of the Board is unanimous . The vote is 3-0 . <br /> 7 p.m. Special Town Meeting Req nest; <br /> There is an expected rapid rise in the school population as <br /> previously noted by the school Building Com i-ttee , , Mr. Jones has <br /> recommended to proceed. as quickly as possible with -the Special Town <br /> Meeting request to construct additional classrooms at the Middle <br /> School , <br /> The School committee met with the School Building Committee today <br /> and voted to support the construction of fifteen additional classrooms <br /> at the Middle school . The school. Committee favors the Special Town <br /> Meeting to inform the people of the crisis , Dr. Pette notes that all <br /> of us should work together to make the people aware of the situation, <br /> With the overload of Town Meeting, Dr. DeMoura recommends that it <br /> would be advantageous to hold a Special Town Meeting. <br /> The Finance Committee needs to know before May as to how the people <br /> wish to proceed relates *. Gree1ish. If the plan is rejected, the <br /> Finance Committee needs time to come up with another plan. She suggests <br /> to inform the people of ongoing costs to maintain the full scenario <br /> such as staffing, energy and moving costs involved. <br /> ti <br />