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BOARD of SELECTMEN Page <br />MINUTES <br />MONDAYr MARCH 221,1993 <br />George Benway - Cape Cod Commission Report: <br />The position as Mashpee-'s representative to the Cape Cod <br />Commission has been rewarding indicated Mr. Benway. It involves <br />a lot of detailed work. He noted that the CCC meets 4-6 times <br />per month. <br />Bays Legal Fund Update: <br />Selectman Jacobson indicated that the Barnstable County Bays <br />Le'a1 Fund met today and voted .- to intervene in a suit against <br />the federal government and others involved in the Boston Harbor <br />clean-up project. <br />The Bays Legal Fund will intervene in the suit as f'i 1 ed' by <br />GreenWorld;- a Boston based environmental group informed Selectman <br />Jacobson. The primary.e phasis involves violations of the <br />dangered.Species Act indicated Selectman Jacobson. <br />8:05 p.m.- Bass Fi hind Tournament AR21ication for p2roval: <br />The Board reviewed the recommendations as submitted by the <br />Waterways Commission relative to Bass Fishing -Tournaments at <br />MashpeeTaeby Pond. <br />Selectman Nulls has offered to discuss this concern with the <br />Waterways' Commission and Public Access Board* several -issues of <br />concern to be addressed include; <br />Does the Town have the ability to limit additional <br />tournament ' requests? <br />Does the Town have the ability to enforce the number <br />of vehicles? <br />Can additional assistance be funded to support a <br />Harbor Master or BPo on the water? <br />Does the Town have the ability to enforce the two <br />recommendations as submitted by the Waterways Commission? <br />Address the issue of the placement of tires in the pond, <br />Address the issue of charging an additional fee to support <br />the funding of a Harbor Master or BPo. <br />* The -motion was made by Selectman Mills to support the <br />recommendation of the Waterways Commission to approve a l l of the <br />bass tournament applications as provided. The motion was <br />seconded by selectman Costa. VOTE: unanimous. 4- . <br />*The Board is in agreement to allow the Cape Cod Bass Club to <br />change the tournament date from October both to October- 2 , 1993. <br />