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1 <br />BOARD OF SELECTMEN Page <br />MINUTES <br />MD, APRIL 12f 1993 <br />Memo from the DPW Director re: Seconsett Island <br />Mr. Taylor noted that Deputy Chief Cooper was contacted and <br />does not have a problem with parking on one side of the road. <br />Mr. Sherman noted that this is acceptable since this is an area <br />well used for' shellfishingqp <br />With regards to the stair that leads to the small beach, a <br />replacement stair will be installed of material to be recommended <br />by the Conservation Commission. It was noted that the stair will <br />be placed in a more suitable position to allow for protection <br />from storms. <br />Water District - Holland Mill Proper't <br />Water District' Commissioners; 'Burt Kaplan, Albert Orlando <br />and Richard Halpern were present for the discussion. Also <br />present; Attorney Hendry, David Rich and represntatives from <br />D. L. Maher Co,- a ground water consulting and drilling firm. <br />Mr, Kaplan indicated that D.L. Maher Company was hired to <br />explore two preliminary test wells in Holland Mill Estates for <br />potential well sites for the Water District. <br />Tech Morine, a Hydrogeologist with D.L. Maher Co., indicated <br />that the area was laid out to include a 4001 protective radius as <br />required by the Department of Environmental Protection. The <br />results of the water samples indicate exceptional water quality <br />informed Mr, Morine. <br />The well has a potential to be one of the highest yielding <br />wells to be developed in the Town of Mashpee informed <br />Mr. Morine. The resource should not be lost as this area may <br />offer the potential as a future public water supply indicated <br />Mr. Morine. <br />No wetlands in the area will, be effected informed <br />Mr. Morine.wetland as described by the Water Management Act; <br />a standing surface water body or a flowing ,rater body <br />From a geological pro'spe tive,-Mr. Morine indicated that the <br />yield has a potential .of one million gallons per day,. He noted <br />that the static water level'is 121 beneath the surface at the <br />well locations <br />Mr, Morine noted that -the yield is determined by specific <br />data to devise the zone of contribution under the most extreme <br />conditions as sot forth . by DEP. This includes degradation of <br />water from existing land use, the impact of flora and fauna and <br />information obtained from observation wells. <br />40 <br />