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4D <br />Article 17: <br />'To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds a sum of money to he Board of Health Salary/Wage Account, or takE any other action <br />relating hereto. <br />Subrm'aed by the Board of Health <br />Explanation: This article seeks to cover the cost of bringing the Board of Health Salary Account up <br />to par and equivalence to the P.A.P. <br />Article 18: <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds the sum of- $22,769- to fund the existing position of Assistant Planner, with said funds <br />appropriated as follows. <br />$18,954- to the Planning Department Salary wage Account,$275the <br />Medicare Account, $1,517 to the Medical Insurance Account and $23 to the Group Insurance <br />Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Town Planner <br />Ems. : This article would provide funding beginning on November 1 for the Assistant <br />Planner position. created by Article 44 of the May 2, 1988 Annual Town Meeting. Funding for the <br />position was cut in FY92. As the fastest -growing town in New England,llashpe has extensive <br />needs for planning services which cannot be met with the current reduced staff, as was recognized <br />by Town Meeting in I98 . with increased responsibilities and work load related to development <br />of a comprehensive plan, trading of Cape Cod Commission project reviews, development of a <br />computerized Geographic lnfonnation System for the Town, pursuing economic development <br />opportunities and responding to increased requests for services by the Selectmen and other Boards, <br />in addition to traditional responsibilities for administering the Planning Board's functions and <br />responding to daily requests for information and services by other departments and the public, the <br />Department's need for its full staff 's more critical than ever. <br />Article 19: <br />To see if the Town will vote toraise and appropriate, borror br transfer from available <br />funds a sum of money to the Medicare Account, or take any other action relating hereto. <br />Submitted by the Treasurerffax Collector <br />xpl na i : This article provides funds to pay for Social Security benefits for part-time <br />employees. <br />Article 20: <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available. <br />funds the sum of $8,8 1 to the Harbormaster Boat Replacement Ac ount, or take any other action <br />relating hereto. <br />Submitted by the Harbormaster <br />0 <br />