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space, <br /> Nancy said the fallback can be to use empty classroom space temporarily , <br /> She appreciates being put on the agenda. <br /> Ian asked if any special furniture or equipment is needed <br /> Nancy said no. VNA may need some cabinet space that locks , <br /> PROJECT MANAGER REPORT <br /> Contract- Chartwell ' s has been signed and sent to the Town for their <br /> endorsement. SMMA waiting fQr final copy for signature. <br /> Pr m - Ray explained they added a viewing area to the pool , above the <br /> lockers , with staircase to' i t . They have eliminated from the net the <br /> building sery i ce areas - HVAC electrical c1o et . The gross sq feet <br /> without the pool i' s 183 , 623 , with the pool it is 1987479 . <br /> Bill Martiros asked when they will have the cost estimate of the pool and <br /> operating cost; <br /> Ed said in about 1 -2 weeks , <br /> SA' s contract does not include design of the pool . Their contract is for <br /> 183 , 000 sq feet. <br /> Paul said the pool i s 45 ft x 75 ft- about 3 300 sq feet. There is a lot of <br /> other area. Are there other pool related areas to be eliminated? Can it <br /> share looker rooms? <br /> Ed explained you should enter the pool through the shower , if not you wi11 <br /> always b running a. contaminated pool . we could try to meet the absolute <br /> minimum requirements for shower , lockers , etch <br /> Paul said this town cannot afford 1 a 000 sq feet for the pool . It has to be <br /> more realistic. we have to know the bare bones pool . <br /> Peter said the pool with definitely cost more to operate that it will <br /> generate in revenue . The Town has to realize i t is a luxury item. <br /> Ray said this is not a Cadillac pool , it is a minimal pool . If you take <br /> the bleachers and stairs out then it is not a competitive pool . <br /> Ed told the Committee not to even think they can get it built for less than <br /> 1 . 5 million ( 10 , 000 sq feet at $150 per sq ft) . There is not a chance. <br /> Gus said he would like to talk in more detail about trying to cut the sq <br /> footage down and about revenue . <br /> Peter reminded the Committee they may have to come up with a warrant <br /> article by August, The architect5 and Committee will have to further <br /> explore the various costs and operating cost. <br /> Site Develp <br /> pgent- land survey is almost complete . The location of the <br /> building and the fields has to be tied down to begin the land acquisition <br /> process . The land should be purchased by Nov . / Dec . The architects need <br /> permission to be on site b y July , <br /> Ed said they need to reach closure on the building today . The location of <br /> the site can move a little i n the next few weeks . In 2 weeks will need <br /> closure on the site . <br /> Bob wh r i tenou r said he i's concerned about beginning the negotiations <br /> p rote 5 with the land owners . It has to be w rapped up in the fall , and <br /> that will get here quickly. Town meeting article deadline is August. <br /> Paul said we know some of the pieces we need to purchase and can Mart <br /> negotiating for them now ., <br /> Bob Fournier asked if he received permission from the 2 remaining land <br /> owners. <br /> Bob wh r i t nour said he has not, He is still tying to contact Brynwood , <br /> 2 <br />