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they see their route is to be paid through the town. <br /> Derry sue said she thinks at this pint we need to pay Stone . This will only <br /> be resolved in court (who gets paid what and when) . This work was done in <br /> September, it should be paid. we know the work was done and the money needs <br /> to flow in that direction. <br /> Tom said he does not understand how the town can be held accountable ,if you <br /> were certified by the contractor, that the subs were paid. <br /> Steve said if it comes to setting up a. lot of escrow accounts for money we <br /> already paid the contractor, we can't do it if we don' t have a source of <br /> funding . <br /> Tom agrees that at the next requisition you have to be very careful . <br /> Steve made a motion to modify the original motion to eliminate the <br /> payment to store Builders for $701 , 276 . 45 from the warrant and <br /> defer approval of payment until after conferring with town counsel . <br /> Janice seconded the mot ion. <br /> Steve said he will call the Selectmen' s office tomorrow to set up the <br /> meeting with the selectmen and Town Counsel . <br /> In favor of the motion, Steve , Janice , Bill and Joe . Merry Sue <br /> against the motion. ** <br /> PA Landers payment requisition for the balance of the road work for <br /> $38 , 570 * <br /> The balance of the field work will be done in the spring . They are <br /> suggesting sodding the field now. <br /> Merry Sue wants Ban solien to OK that first, sod will not grog in December. <br /> Merry Sue made a, motion to forward to the selectmen for their <br /> approval and payment $38 , 570 . to PA Landers for the balance of road <br /> improvement work. Janice seconded the motion. All members were <br /> in favor -0 <br /> F F & E TECHNOLOGY <br /> Mike Ki twin explained that he, Jim Byrne , John Williams and Dr . DeMoura ret <br /> with CIG. They went through an exhaustive list o f concerns and are passing <br /> the pressure onto Clc. By Monday, CIC will respond to each of the open <br /> items in writing . <br /> They have given Dec . 20th as a drop dead date for every item* <br /> CCR will issue a report covering CICs response on Monday. <br /> Steve asked for a, synopsis of pending issues : <br /> - get the server in and running <br /> -work on what the teachers work station should look 1ike and the students ) <br /> library, etc * (what icons ) . They gent through that in detail today. <br /> - have to load printer driver in the teacher stations <br /> - how e-mail will be phased In. inhere will student files be . <br /> John Williams said he thought it was a. goon meeting but a, little overdue . <br /> The communication issue was addressed. There had been boxes of lap tops in <br /> the school for 3 weeks and no one knew they were here . They talked about <br /> setting up training . <br /> 4 <br />