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Bill asked about a completion date . <br /> CIC needs 30 many days and they have a. 2 man crew working . They said '.t <br /> will be complete by December loth* <br /> (Peter Dinizio joined the meeting at 5 : 50 p.m. ) <br /> Mike said 4 of CIC work has been paid. 70% of the value i s here on site . <br /> Mike Kirwin said he needs input on the internet issue . <br /> Steve said lat meeting the committee got an internet package . It was a <br /> hefty monthly fee, more th.a.n he felt was fair for the school department . we <br /> have to back trach a, little * <br /> The proposal had a, line fee , Merrimack fee and internet provider fee , f or a. <br /> total of almost $1 , 800 per month. <br /> To put it in perspective , to set up 8 accounts with a local provider would <br /> be $250 . per month.. <br /> All the hardware i s there , we have to look at the phone capacity. we could <br /> set up a. Haase account with a local provider, either fund it or the students <br /> pay a. fee. <br /> Mike Kirwin said this is an open issue and it will need to be pursued with <br /> the school department . He is not taking action right now. <br /> Peter asked if people will be able to access the Internet from their home <br /> through the high school? <br /> Steve said at some point we should ,the problem is an Internet account now <br /> is an individual thing * we can work with the providers to deal with that <br /> issue . <br /> Mike Pietrowski said he can provide a, name of someone at the MA Education <br /> Dept. who may be able to help out with group internet accounts . <br /> Janice said this is a budget item for the school department as well . <br /> Merry sue made a motion to forward to the selectmen for their <br /> approval and payment $6 , 570 to Edgestar for administrative <br /> software . Janice seconded the motion. All members were in favor 6- <br /> 0 * <br /> Mike Kirwin said the portable phone upgrade is $400 , oo per upgrade , <br /> This provides a different frequency which will work better in the building , <br /> Merry sue made a motion to recommend approval of an upgrade for the <br /> portable phones ( a change order) f o r National Telecom Systems for <br /> an additional $400 . 00 . Joe seconded the motion+ <br /> Hill asked why an upgrade already? Shouldn' t they be designed to work. <br /> Mike KIrwin said the steel was .interfering more than anticipated. <br /> All members were in. favor 6-0** <br /> HH Communications : have two contracts for the audio visual distribution <br /> system and the TVs . The Tv contract was through Manny Tavares office . <br /> There is stone work, Manny work and CCR work) which all have to be lined <br /> up. It will al.l be ironed out in a few days . <br /> Mike Pietrowski explained that Tom O'Connor from HB came here today at his <br /> 5 <br />