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request to find each and every Tv which did not get wireless remote. He <br /> has provided that .list to Joel Seeley so the issue can get resolved . <br /> Torn O'Connor explained that he walked every room and verified it against <br /> the list o f those room that should have AMX control and those that should <br /> not . <br /> Most of the room that were expected to have it do . There were a. 1 o t where <br /> he diel not expect to see it and they also do . A total of 57 room are <br /> presented wired for it . There were some however where he expected to see <br /> it and it was not there yet . The bid specs called for 48 rooms to be <br /> wired. like pointed out a. few other classroom that should have the <br /> capability and didn' t , ie . the special ed. room. Mr. O'Connor will make a. <br /> note of that . <br /> Steve said if that is adding wiring , above and beyond what is ,in the specs, <br /> someone has to make the decision, Additions to the contrast have to be <br /> looked at and approved <br /> Joel said the amount of times it did not match is so minimal compared to <br /> rooms where AMX is available , that is no reason to not hook up the Tv, that <br /> should not be an excuse ; <br /> Tom said he does not think those additions should be a CCD to Stone. <br /> Mr. O'Connor asked if all the lines have been tested.? <br /> Mike Kirwin said the voice and data have . <br /> Mr. O'Connor said they have begun to install TVs in the classrooms but <br /> there will be no media, retrieval system until the media room is complete . <br /> Joel will check on the cable testing results . <br /> Merry sue asked, if you plug a. Tv in now, what will happen.? <br /> Mr. O'Connor said nothing . If there is a 'VCR hooked up in that room it <br /> could be used. <br /> 30 days after occupancy of C & D the media room equipment will be <br /> delivered. <br /> Mike Kirwin and Tom O'Connor will get together to finalize this, <br /> Surveillance system* dike Pietrowski looked into getting a. multiplexer unit <br /> with a 20" monitor so all the exits can be covered at the same time . <br /> Steve does not think you can see 12 windows on a. o" screen.. <br /> Mike said from a, security point of view, it is better to cover all the <br /> emits at the same time .. <br /> Derry Sue said this system would not be designed if people can't comprehend <br /> it* <br /> Bill asked who is monitoring it'd <br /> The main office is @, It is video taped at night . <br /> John Williams said it is more for viewing after the fact . No one has the <br /> time to s i t and watch the monitor all day. <br /> Steve would recommend we add more monitors and not attempt to gut it all on <br /> one screen. <br /> John asked how much, for Mike ' s original proposal? $62000 , <br /> Bill thinks it should be run to the police dept at nighto <br /> Janice said this should be deferred to the administration for their review. <br /> John will take it under advisement and discuss it at the next meeting . <br /> The committee updated Peter D.ini io on the payment requisition discussion.. <br /> 6 <br />