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Peter asked what town counsel told Paul Griffin on this matter? <br /> Town counsel told Paul the committee should pay the plumber $16 ,00 , put the <br /> remainder in escrow and pay the certified value on the requisition to <br /> Stone . <br /> Janice explained that she does not want her signature on that payment . She <br /> wants to see what stone owes us in work. <br /> Peter said we will be hurting ourselves down the road by not paying them. <br /> Janice said this Committee wants a, special meeting with the Selectmen and <br /> town counsel so we can hear it ourselves (to pay stone) . <br /> Peter feels we are shooting ourselves in the foot by not giving them the <br /> cash to get the job done . <br /> Janice asked if we give thea the money, will they get the job done' <br /> Joe said there is the prevailing wage issue as well . <br /> *Janice suggested having a. special meeting with the selectmen before their <br /> scheduled meeting on Monday so there will be no delay because they have to <br /> approve the payment at their meeting anyway. <br /> Peter said he would like the town to take care of the rest of the punchlist <br /> items ourselvesO it is an option we should talk about with the Selectmen on <br /> Monday. <br /> FF & E Furniture <br /> Instruments : Janice explained that a sub committee of band parents , music <br /> department and administrator Meld a. series of meetings to discuss the <br /> instrument policy and purchase list . <br /> The total is still $79 , 000 but it covers things the school will need., <br /> mostly marching instruments for the band, which will remain in the school . <br /> Peter asked how much we budgeted? <br /> John Williams said this is $40 , 000 over the original budget amount . <br /> Joel added, however, that Manny Tavares ' budget , in total , i s still unde r <br /> utilized. <br /> k Merry sue made a motion to approve the list of musical instruments <br /> for a. total cost of $79 , 805 . 59 from the FF E budget . Janice <br /> seconded the motion. All members were in favor 6-0 <br /> - Quotes for relocation of shop equipment: the committee received a letter <br /> from Manny Tavares , he received 2 bids to for the relocation, from <br /> Brentwood. Machine and Unital Machine . Brentwood was the lower bid. There <br /> may be additlonal charges once the equipment is tested/operational. <br /> Derry Sue suggested putting a do not exceed amount on the extra for repair <br /> service , <br /> Jim Byrne said they need to get the equipment here , look at it and then <br /> they can assess i t , and will have a better 'Idea of needed repairs <br /> Steve made a. motion to forward to the Selectmen for their approval <br /> not to exceed X500 for Brentwood Lachine to move ( from the Middle <br /> School to the High school ) and assess the shop equipment * Merry <br /> Sue seconded the motion. All members were in favor 6-0 <br /> 7 <br />