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t <br /> John Williams said Dr . DeMoura asked him to mention that the science and <br /> food labs need fire extinguishers and fire blankets . <br /> Joel said here are 25 extinguishers in the building that can be brought to <br /> triose labs . <br /> John has an estimate for 10 fire blankets , in boxes , for $690 . <br /> Steve made a motion to authorize the School Department to purchase <br /> via purchase order, 11 fire blanket s @ Merry sue seconded the <br /> motion$ All members were in favor 6--0** <br /> John will order the blankets , when the hill comes in he will forward it to <br /> the committee . <br /> Merry sue rade a. motion to forward to the Selectmen for their <br /> approval the following furniture and equipment invoices <br /> RH Lord Co . $7 ,472 . 56 , m i sc CR furniture . <br /> - shamrock Inc. $2 , 000 , office chairs <br /> - <br /> Hines & Coon $35 , 0002 metal shelving <br /> Brentwood. Machine $3 , 025 . 46 custodial and grounds equipment <br /> Shaughnessy Aeria.lifts $8 , 285 custodial/grounds <br /> -� GT .Johnson $9 , 934 . 44 kitchen <br /> -- Calico $1 , 847 . 75 kitchen smallwares <br /> sportma.ster $9 , 507 . custodial/grounds <br /> - <br /> WB Hunt Co . $7 , 183 . audio visual equipment <br /> - valient $3 , 359 . 96 audio visual. <br /> Hunt ' s sports $12 , 545 gym/fitness equipment <br /> Superior Office Systems $6 , 095 business machines <br /> - Marta Copystar $35 , 847 . business machines <br /> Janice seconded the motion but said the committee deserves a. <br /> synopsis of what this equipment is . <br /> Steve said the Selectmen are definitely going to ask for it. <br /> Tom said the list is massive , he can copy Manny Tavares ' letter for the <br /> Committee. Janice said that would be fine , just a synops i s <br /> Steve read the descriptions from Danny letter , <br /> ** All members were .in favor -0** <br /> John Williams had a, note from Don Cook regarding the bobcat . He would like <br /> to purchase a rotary snow blower attachment for the bobcat, it will sage a <br /> lot of plowing time and cause less damage . It can do the sidewalks , etc. <br /> The cost is $4 , 350 . <br /> *peter made a. motion to approve the purchase of a snow blower <br /> attachment for the bobcat for $4 , 350 . Merry Sue seconded the <br /> motion. All members were in favor 6-0** <br /> There are additional charges from vendors due to late occupancy of the <br /> building and they had to store equipment elsewhere, for a, total. of $3 ) 113 . <br /> Peter asked why the town should pay this , send it directl-y to stone's <br /> Because they are our own vendors <br /> Merry sue made a motion to forward to the Selectmen for their <br /> approval and payment the fallowing invoices: Equipment Environment <br /> $840 . , RH Lordes $794 . 88 and $1 , 148 , total of $3 , 132 . 88 . peter <br /> seconded the motion. All members will be '.n favor 6-0** <br /> 8 <br /> ,5 <br /> i <br /> i <br />