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Draft 1 - March 16, 1995 <br /> scheduled for implementation sometime in the Spring of 1995, it is important to have <br /> a dispatcher supervisor to lisison between the dispatch center and the police <br /> department sergeant and the fire department lieutenant. This liaison is important to <br /> ensure proper coordination of intra-department and inter-department police and fire <br /> operations, and a smooth and lasting transition into theE-911 and computer aided <br /> dispatch systems for the police and fire departments. Moreover, the new <br /> supervisor's position will assist the police and fire departments by helping to provide <br /> training and proper management of a highly technical communications and <br /> information system. In addition, the supervisory position will provide strong <br /> management controls which are needed for short and long term success of the E-911 <br /> and computer aided dispatch systems. <br /> Article 3 4. <br /> To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to grant to the US <br /> Fish & Wildlife Service and its successors and permitted assigns a Conservation <br /> Restriction in perpetuity, under the provisions of MGL Chapter 184, Sections 31- <br /> 33, on a portion of that parcel of Town-owned land shown on a "Plan of Land to be <br /> Acquired by the Town for School Purposes in Mashpee, Massachusetts," dated <br /> December 5, 1994 and prepared by BSS Design, Inc., which lies within the <br /> following boundaries: <br /> Beginning at the northeasternmost comer of said parcel, thence westerly <br /> 500 feet along the southern sideline of the Nathan B. Ellis Highway (Route <br /> 15 1) to a point, thence southerly in a straight line to a point on the northern <br /> sideline of a Commonwealth Electric Company power line easement lying <br /> 500 feet west of the center of the Quashnet River, thence westerly along <br /> the northern sideline of said easement to the western boundary of the <br /> parcel, thence southerly, easterly and northerly by the western southern <br /> and eastern boundaries of said parcel to the point of beginning,, <br /> and furthermore to authorize the Selectmen to enter into any agreements and execute <br /> any and all instruments as may be necessary on behalf of the town to effectuate said <br /> grant, or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br /> Explanation: This article would authorize the Board of Selectmen to grant a <br /> Conservation Restrict- <br /> ion to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on certain portions of <br /> the new high school site which lie along the Quashnet River and south of, and <br /> including, a Commonwealth Electric power line easement. The Restriction will not <br /> affect any of the land proposed to be used for school facilities, including future <br /> expansion areas. It is proposed by the Selectmen in order to provide the Fish & <br /> Page l4 <br />