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2/28/1995 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/28/1995 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page 2 <br /> been added to use their modem without interruption. Mr, Golub <br /> mentioned that this line item was one that he questioned at the <br /> joint meeting between Mr. Whritenour and Pyr. Bailey, Ir. Golub <br /> felt that it was more expensive than he felt it should be, Mr. <br /> Bailey responded that telephones are laid items and are in the hands <br /> of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Goggin asked ed Ir. Golub to follow up <br /> on this item with the selectmen's Office. Ir. Bailey agreed that <br /> $45 per month was expensive for a telephone line. Mr, Golub also <br /> wanted to mate that Mr. Bailey had made an excellent presentation <br /> at that joint meeting. <br /> . Goggin questioned estimated new growth. Mr. Bailey felt that <br /> it will not change significantly from last year, He stated that he <br /> always starts out With a low figure. Because of the formula used <br /> it is usually lower than what is approved. fir. Bailey felt that <br /> the market was good and that there were a lot of buyers, but that <br /> it would he tough for the sellers. Mr. Bailey also mentioned that <br /> it would a the taxpayers in the most attractive communities that <br /> would see their real estate taxes increasing drastically. <br /> Correspondence <br /> Mr. Coggin gave copies of a memorandum ren Mr. whritenour <br /> regarding revenue estimates. Also included was a historical <br /> breakdown rn o the last three years. <br /> The Committee asked if there was any news regarding Denise <br /> Sullivan's situation? Mr. Golub answered that the Board o <br /> Selectmen, at the meeting the previous evening, voted to turn the <br /> matter over to the Torn Clerk for whatever action she deemed <br /> appropriate. Mr. Goggin also informed the Committee that Mr. <br /> . <br /> Bacigalupi had given him a copy of the information he wanted <br /> contained in the letter- to Town Counsel. A copy of that letter is <br /> attached to these Minutes. Mr. Bacigalupi mentioned that the <br /> Executive secretary was very angry about having this information <br /> sent to Town Coutnsel without his receiving it initially. <br /> Reserve Fund Transfer Request <br /> The Selectmen are requesting $15,000 to rewire their meeting room, <br /> purchase three cameras and several microphones. Mr. Goggin was <br /> surprised at the request due to the renovations pending. Pyr, <br /> Bacigalupi stated that the majority of the cost is on hardware. <br /> The Committee agreed that the request was a bit pr mature. There <br /> were people standing in the hallway at thein meeting last night, <br /> and it was evident that a large- room was going to he necessary. <br /> Ir. Goggin stated that there was no question that everyone was in <br /> favor of televised meetings, and mentioned how fortunate the <br /> Finance Committee was to have Juan televising thein meetings. lir. <br /> Golub felt that the Town should have some say in the matter. Mr.. <br /> Goggin felt that more information was necessary.. Mr. Bacigalupi <br /> stated that he felt one alternative world be buying one camera and <br />
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