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MASHPEE COMMUNITY GARDEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MCGAC) <br /> MEETING MINUTES for the INAUGURAL MEETING of the MCGAC <br /> AUGUST 15, 2018 - 7:00 P.M. <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> Present: Virginia Scharfenberg, Pamela McCarthy, Mohamad Fand, Michael Talbot, <br /> Anthony Oliver, Irene Checkovich, Stephanie Simpson <br /> Also Present: Town Manager Rodney Collins <br /> Call to Order <br /> Virginia Scharfenberg opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. <br /> She distributed a copy of a list of members and their terms <br /> No Previous Meeting Minutes to Approve <br /> COMMUNICATIONS & CORRESPONDENCE <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN, VICE-CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY <br /> Motion: Michael Talbot nominated and moved Virginia Scharfenberg as Chairman, <br /> seconded by Pamela McCarthy. Vote unanimous 7-0 <br /> Motion: Mohamad Fand nominated and moved Stephanie Simpson as Vice-Chairman, <br /> seconded by Pamela McCarthy. Vote unanimous 7-0 <br /> It was decided to hold off on electing a secretary at this time but will do so at a future meeting <br /> Review of BOS Mandate and Responsibilities with Town Manager, Rodney Collins <br /> Discussion of Applicable Committee Member Requirements; Ethics regulations, etc. <br /> Rodney Collins, Town Manager, began by stating he was most appreciative of everyone <br /> being here on a volunteer basis. It takes a special person to step up to the plate.for a <br /> purpose like this. He said without the volunteers to organize and coordinate and implement <br /> something like this, the town would not be as better off as it is without the volunteers <br /> participating and donating their time. He gave a shout out thank you to Michael Talbot <br /> because without his coordinated efforts, none of us would be here. He gave a brief history of <br /> the steps leading up to the formation of this committee. He said the Board of Selectmen <br /> officially adopted the committee on May 21. He called their attention to Section 3F that the <br /> .Community Gardens and other garden sites are well managed and maintained for the benefit <br /> of the entire Mashpee Community. If the committee wanted to expand the scope of their <br /> horizon for the purposes of this community that would fall in that purview. He then referred to <br /> section 6. He said that was primarily intended in case you need assistance. For instance, if <br /> the committee needed assistance from the Public Works, he wanted the members to realize <br /> that staff as well as equipment will be available to you. Sometimes the timing isn't going to <br /> be immediate but if you give me a short-term plan or long-term plan with what you need <br /> done, he could basically coordinate that with the Department of Public Works, He wanted to <br /> make sure the committee knew these resources are available to them so you are not <br /> completely out there on your own. He said it is a town recognized committee so your <br /> 1 <br />