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SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes for the regular meeting held on August 23, 2018 were <br /> mailed to members before the meeting. A motion was made by Richard Halpern and <br /> seconded by Lisa Meizinger to accept the minutes as presented. The motion carried. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT AND BUDGET UPDATE: Mrs. Botsford distributed the Budget <br /> to Actual report, prepared by the accountant, but noted that the numbers are still based on Fiscal <br /> Year 2018 since DHCD just released the budget guidelines for Fiscal Year 2019. Mrs. Botsford <br /> reviewed the report. The budget for FY2019 will be presented at the next meeting. The warrants <br /> for signature tonight are for the months of August and September 2018 and total as follows: <br /> August: $48,681.05 for 4001, $49,262.00 for MRVP, $40,382.13 for Asher's Path Apartments, <br /> $3,726.00 for HAP, and $3,285.98 for Great Cove Community. September: $96,683.53 for <br /> 4001, $49,535.00 for MRVP, $27,747.84 for Asher's Path Apartments, $5,254.20 for HAP, and <br /> $9,900.91 for Great Cove Community. Mrs. Botsford stated that we have rents paid in full at all <br /> developments. A motion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by Lisa Meizinger to <br /> accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion carried. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report for August and added the following: <br /> • MassNAHRO: There is a board retreat scheduled in November to come up with a <br /> strategic plan for MassNAHRO moving forward. <br /> • Budget guidelines came out for Fiscal Year 2019. Originally DHCD had said June 30 <br /> Fiscal Year would be due by the end of October, but they've since notified us that we <br /> can have longer. Tom Joy will be here November 8 to present our budget. <br /> • Things have been extremely busy at all housing authorities, with three emergency <br /> situations just in the last week. I'm trying to come up with a way to reorganize a bit, <br /> and maybe get some more office help for Carol and me. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford submitted the quarterly report to the town for the HAP. A copy was <br /> provided to all members. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford completed the affirmative Action Analysis report. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford connected with DHCD about the Brewster/Mashpee Management <br /> Contract. They have advised to submit a board approved contract with an explanation <br /> for fee amounts. Mrs. Botsford had previously emailed everyone a copy of the <br /> proposed agreement, which is on the new DHCD-required template. Upon full <br /> review of the Management Services Agreement with Brewster Housing Authority, a <br /> motion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by Lisa Meizinger to approve the <br /> contract for five years for the annual contract sum of$67,494.75 which includes the <br /> allowable management fee and the full reimbursement to Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> for the salary, taxes, and benefits for the Brewster based Administrative Assistant and <br /> to allow up to 40% of the fee to be included in the Executive Director's salary, as <br /> allowed by DHCD. The motion carried. 3 Ayes 0 Nays <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />