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rt <br /> 5 <br /> 4. <br /> SOUTH CAPE BEACH <br /> 3/9/99 <br /> PAGE <br /> III Dl S.. USS TON OF 10A SITE - Legislation : (Continued <br /> DEIN will prepare a drafi for Marris Rirsner and the committee <br /> to review before they go any. further, If we ca.n arrange to <br /> have Nancy O_affyn involved well , we should be in- a good <br /> position. <br /> IST DISC USS I ON OF SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT : <br /> Morris would like to take the opportunity to make some comments <br /> He stated that we know that a sub-committee was. fo.rmed . Th-ere <br /> was no chairperson appointed , although W. Moods prepared the <br /> report . Ms . Woods suggested the report be withdrawn. <br /> After discussion'. a motion. was made. <br /> Jerry Monaghan made - a motion that the sub-committee report be <br /> withdrawn . W. Woods seconded the motion . All in favor . So <br /> moved . <br /> V DISCUSSION OF POSSIBILITY OE CHANGE OF KEETING TIME , <br /> E <br /> M. Kirsner explained that at the last meeting in November ,ember , 1998 , <br /> the possibility of charge of meeting , time had been discussed . <br /> Some members felt it would be- preferable to have a daytir a meet- <br /> ing , Other members stated if the meetings were held during the <br /> day, they may be unable to attend . <br /> The consensus of the meeting was the mdj orit y would like to- con- <br /> tinue to have evening meetings . <br /> VI OTHER MATTERS <br /> Winnie stated she did not know if the other .members had recently <br /> visited South Cape Bead and had seem the sandpile the Town has <br /> been dumping on the beach, on at least three occasions . She <br /> stated , there were tire tracts from whatever b ehicle had been <br /> used , and a great deal .of compression on the beaux itself . <br /> Winnie felt that was doing a "number" on the structure of the <br /> beach. <br /> Morris will contact fir . Taylor , and then report back to the com- <br /> mittee relative to the move. <br /> ather Conroy voiced the opinion that the Town was trying to <br /> save the parking lot , having the sand dumped there to prevent. <br /> the water from coming up on to the parking lot . <br /> 5 <br />