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ti \ <br /> Consulting services and deliverables will be completed by-November ember 1 , 2011. <br /> Scope of services <br /> The successful consultant will: <br /> Complete a brief analysis of the a istin Falmouth FDIC and Mashpee DIC: <br /> Focus on l *vcraging their strengths <br /> ■ Evaluate the applicability of a strengthened Partnership model <br /> Goal Sett n : <br /> ■ Establish a mutually agreed upon set of policy and planning goals and documents <br /> consistent with the Cape Cod Regional Policy Plan <br /> C mol to a Comprehensive regional Needs Analysis: <br /> I I I I � <br /> ■ Determine the Return on Investment of different industry clusters <br /> * Make recommendations regarding industries to prioritize and target <br /> ■ Identify the needs of the.prioritized iiidustiits <br /> ■ Identify obstacles limiting growth of existing businesses in the two towns <br /> ■ Make recommendations regarding the diversification of the business mix in the <br /> communities whole <br /> Q Identify the key stakeholders in each community and identify ways to leverage <br /> their impact on the creation of jobs and new business opportunities <br /> Complete a Five-Year Action Plan: inclurfing but nol limned to <br /> �5'+IiPY•1 I 5 ISI I Yi\I■Yi llli4iiYYYYIYYiYi <br /> Develop a set of specific actions, with associated revenue opportunities, that relate - <br /> back to the regional needs analysis— some actions may pertwn to one individual = <br /> FDIC while others may pertain to both and to both working together <br /> ■ <br /> Recommend mend priority and timing of actions based on need and revenue availability <br /> ■ <br /> Determine what can be accomplished within the existing organizational structure <br /> ■ Identify specific opportunities for the two organizations to partner in the future <br /> ■ Analyze the feasibility, mechanisms, and benefits of fully merging the two <br /> organizations <br /> ■ Complete a long torn sustainability analysis for each FDIC individually and in <br /> partnership that identifies different o plortumn s for revenue generation to cover <br /> administrative costs and potential projects <br /> Deliverables <br /> ■ Draft Final Report including above components for review by Mashpee. and <br /> Falmouth E ICs and by the Cape Cod Commission <br /> ■ <br /> Twenty hard copies of a Final Deport and one electronic copy <br />