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land. The recorded plan row indicates that 16A and 11 will be considered one lot for building, <br /> zoning and assessing purposes and 16B and 12 will be considered one lot for the sane purpose. <br /> Chairman waygan noted that the plan indicates numerous Lot 3s, 4s and 7s. Mr. Bunker stated that <br /> Mashpee Commons was made up of gree Land Court comes but that the current request does not <br /> affect.Lot 3. 4 or 7 or outside of Jobs Fishing Road. Board members discussed the plans and lot <br /> lines. Mr. Rowley noted that I'ots are numbered based on when they are subdivided and the Land <br /> � <br /> Court assigns the numbers. I1 r. Rowleyindicated than Jobs Fishing Road is not labeled with the <br /> width and The Way is not labeled with its width or whether it is private or public. <br /> Mr. Fudala questioned the labeling of Jobs Fishing Road as private since there is ars agreement with <br /> Mashpee Commons that it would be transferred to the'Town once the pavement is complete and <br /> adding that it may have been overridden by the 40B located in the area. Nor. Bunker stated that it <br /> was a re-location of an ancient way. lir. Fudala responded that them were many re-locations and <br /> that-it went to Town Meeting as a public way, but not a town layout. Ibis. Rowley questioned the <br /> labeling on the Land Court records and Mr. Bunker responded that there was no decree plan. <br /> Chairman vegan expressed concern about signing a plan labeling the road private and the <br /> possibility of giving up Town rights through other agreements and questioned whether the road <br /> needs to be labeled. fir_ Rowley indicated that the road is required by Land Court to be labeled and <br /> suggested that the plan be kept consistent with what was on the previous plan. Board members <br /> discussed the labeling of the road and Mr. Fudala left to locate the previous plans. IIr1r. Bunker <br /> noted that Land Court would not jump to any conclusions and lir. Rolex added that public rights <br /> will not go away from signing the plan. Mr. Bal .acini added that the Planning Board is reviewing <br /> the plan for frontage- <br /> Kooharian inquired whether the request had other ramifications besides financing. Mr. Rowley <br /> responded that the request is an approval-not-required and that Board members are reviewing the <br /> request to ensure that the lots conform to the frontage and area requirements for a buildable lots and <br /> that the lots that front on The way has sufficient width and grade to a .isfy the purpose for creating <br /> the lots. <br /> Mr. Fudala shared the previous plans with the Board, upon his return. The 1987 plans indicated the <br /> road is identified as private and the Land Court and the Unregistered does not identify Jogs Fishing <br /> Road as private or�public. 11th. Fudala noted that Town Meeting has re-located the road. Chairman <br /> Iaygan-inquired whether a note could be added to the plan but Mr.Rowley recommended leaving <br /> the plan as is. The Chair inquired whether the road had been given to the Town and lir. Fudala <br /> responded that is not yet been through the fond layout process and there have been no final <br /> inspections. Mr. I ooharian questioned whether the width of the road would change when it was <br /> turned over to the Town and Mr. Fudala responded that the approved 40B plan relocates the road <br /> and changes the configuration. fir. Rowley noted that the permit is still subject to final design <br /> plans. Chairman Wgn stated that since there is more work to be done and since the road has not <br /> yet been transferred to the Town, labeling it as private is acceptable for now. Mr. Balzarini added <br /> that the Boards responsibility is to review the frontage and layout of the road. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Ba arini made a motion to approve the ApprovalNot-Required. Mr. <br /> Kooharian seconded the motion. AU voted unanimously. The Chair signed the plans. <br /> 3 <br />