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Project Address: 100 Falmouth Road (continue�� <br /> Ron Bonvie said if Torn has easement for utilities, etc. and if the agreement <br /> says Town is to put everything back in order then you should perhaps contact <br /> Town about doing so. <br /> In addition, Ron Bonvie noted that the Design Plan that exists states a lot of <br /> trees, shrubs, etc. is to be removed so you may want to notify the Water District <br /> so there can be replacement done. <br /> Matt Costa noted that where they are making parking on the side they will be <br /> removing some plantings and shrubs in that area but they are going to replant <br /> that area. <br /> Miles Peters reviewed the Flan with Walter Yaro h. Walter said it will be an all <br /> steel framed building. Walter said where current building ends they will just pick <br /> up from there and extend the building. Walter said the setback is far off of <br /> Bowdoin Road. Tim Leedham commented that this design will improve Site <br /> appeal. He said this is the original concept he had 1years ago. <br /> Walter` arosh said the entrance to Bosun's will be further down Bowdoin and <br /> close to Botello's entrance, which will ease traffic flow. <br /> Joshua Spencer asked if boats will still be.out front. Tim Leedham responded <br /> f es". <br /> Dike Mendoza noted for the record that a sign is shown on the flans, but <br /> signage must be submitted for approval. They will do so. <br /> Miles Peters said he likes the way the wood front looks. He said it is a lot better <br /> . <br /> with a built building. Walter Yarosh said but it is not doable. Walter said the <br /> porch is all good, but the metal building ouffit Won't let you attach wood siding to <br /> the building, it affects the warranty. <br /> Conclusion <br /> MOTION: Ronald Bonvie motioned to accept but he would like to see Applicant <br /> reach out to Town Water District to put back landscaping that gets removed so <br /> plantings are replaced; and secondly there is a condition that a Plan compares <br /> what is there and what is going to remain and what they will replace and the <br /> reinforcement of additional plantings such as on Int. 28. Joshua Spencer <br /> seconded the motion <br /> Vote: 4-Yes. <br /> Roll Call Dote: <br /> .Joshua Spencer, yes Miles Peters, yes <br /> Donald Bonvie, yes Michael Mendoza, yes <br />