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7/1/1996 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
7/1/1996 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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June 27, 1996 <br /> Page <br /> 4. It is imperative that Mashpee, as well as other impacted communities are provided <br /> with funding to retain appropriate professional engineering consulting services to <br /> assist the town government on technical issues related to the overall design and <br /> impact to the community. The property, and groundwateresent thereunder, of all <br /> resider � <br /> is located in the impacted. area. surrounding John's Pond and Ashumet Pond, <br /> including neighborhoods located south of 151 have been ' <br /> damaged as evidenced by <br /> the need to install a water supply system. We request that any costs aheadY incurred <br /> and those costs that will be incurred in the future, relatingto connecting to the water <br /> district be paid for by the government. <br /> g <br /> 5. In the event that the S trate "c Plan goes forward with this� � s phased approach to the <br /> design and development of the remediation systems, the Town will require that each <br /> plume have a detailed plan describing the phases, schedule, and associated risks for <br /> construction of the remediation system. In addition, we will need a high level of <br /> assurances from D � <br /> �D that funding for construction and 0 & M of the projects in the <br /> later phase(s) is secure and unrestricted. <br /> 6. The Plan does not sufficient) emphasize the human ' <br /> Y p health Issue. A comprehensive <br /> health assessment program should be immediately developed to monitor the residents <br /> residing in the impacted area on an ongoing basis. The fact that the mm ' <br /> . g g co unity of <br /> Mashpee has the seventh highest cancer rate of any community in the State, mandates <br /> that more attention be given to this issue. The MMR,, DEP DPH and the town <br /> must work together to assure this issue is properly addressed. <br /> f <br /> 7. In response to the health and ecological staff, we would stress that a much stronger <br /> and more comprehensive testing program be established to include more sampling <br /> and analysis of P g ' <br /> ys s, sediments,mussels, and fish. In addition, we request that the study <br /> and testing inventory the status of the ponds to identify the nature and extent of ` <br /> possible degradation. } <br /> S. Mashpee has incurred actual damages due 'to having a su erfund site di <br /> rectly <br /> impacting our community. It is essential that a dams a assessment/recovery stud of <br /> . g rY Y <br /> both private properties and public lands be completed and factored into the cost <br /> effectiveness of remediation options assessed for each plume. This should include <br /> the cost of having to develop a water district in the Town and the lost taxes from <br /> depreciating property. <br /> 9. The Strategic Plan, as resented to the public for comment, is not easy to read and <br /> � P p t, y <br /> comprehend. There are no overall maps of even the inferred=locations of the plumes <br /> and the overall impacted areas nor are there any individual maps of each plume. It is <br /> extremely difficult for regular citizens to be able to understand what is being proposed <br /> in order to respond. Each plume needs some narrative and explanation of the <br /> contaminants that have been found in that plume. <br /> 10. The Community Involvement section is not clear. The residents need to have up-to- <br /> date,current information regarding the nature, extent, and risk posed by the plumes <br /> and in order to clearly understand whether it is now the plan of the Air Force to <br /> contain the plumes or to simply let them go to the sea. We are not aware that the <br />
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