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SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes for the regular meeting held on November `18.2018 were <br /> mailed to members before the meeting. A motion was made by Kevin Shackett and seconded <br /> by.Till Allen to accept the minutes as presented. The motion carried. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT AND BUDGET UPDATE: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants <br /> for signature which are for the month of November 2018 and total as follows: $49,1.10.79 for <br /> 4401,$ 49,65:3.00 for M.RVP, $34,830.18 for Asher's.Path Apartments, $ 6;960,80 for HAP, and <br /> $10,469.99 for Great Cove Community, We have rents paid in full at all except for a small <br /> balance due at Breezy Acres. We are 100%occupied at Asher's Path, Homeyer Village, and <br /> Great Cove Community. Right now we still have one vacancy at Breezy Acres due to the <br /> eviction. 'I'here has been a lot of work done in the unit to rehabilitate it for the next tenant. At <br /> the last meeting Mrs. Botsford mentioned that she was going to apply to use some of our Capital <br /> Improvement funds to help pay for the unit rehabs that we've already done,.as our operating <br /> budget cannot absorb the cost. DHCD Inas allowed that, so the work that has been done,and <br /> continues to be done, on the 4 unit turnovers since July, will be.mostly paid with.Capital funds <br /> and not operating funds. A motion ryas made by Jill Allen and seconded by Lisa Meizinger <br /> to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion carried.. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT& UPDATES; <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report for November and added the following: <br /> • Mrs.. Botsford sat on two panels at the MassNAHRO fall conference which <br /> was in Natick December 3 and 4. She sat again on the session for Pros and <br /> Cons of Management Agreements, with one of her board members from <br /> Mattapoisett also on the panel. She also sat.on a panel for Succession <br /> Planning, which included preparing for the unexpected. The conference <br /> was excellent and very well-attended this year. The next one is in May in <br /> Falmouth. <br /> • After a phone call with DHCD Director Amy Stitely, our five-year contract <br /> with Brewster has been verbally approved. The DHCD Undersecretary <br /> needs to sign off on it and they with then send our paper copy to us. <br /> • Mattapoisett's contract is.up in mid-February. That board has already voted <br /> to request a five-year contract approval. from DHCD. Since DHCD wants <br /> management contracts to run with the fiscal year of the owner agency, the <br /> contract with Mattapoisett would actually run February 15, 2019 to <br /> September 30, 2023. The next step is for Mashpee to vote omit. The chair <br /> will entertain, this under Old Business,.sinice the board has already received <br /> a copy of the proposed contract. <br /> • MassHousing Partnership did their annual review of Great Cove <br /> Community and there were no issues. Mrs, Botsford had a copy of the <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />