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6 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 3 1, 2017 <br /> Review& Action-Draft October 16, 2017 Annual Town Meeting Warrant: (continued) <br /> Motion made by Mr. DelPonte to vote on.Article 921 of the October warrant as written. <br /> Motion seconded by lir* Avis* <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 4-1. <br /> Roll Call vote: <br /> Mr. Pettengill,yes Mr*DelPonte,yes Mr*Avis,no <br /> Mr.McKelvey,yes Mr.McCahill,yes opposed,(1) <br /> IaridIuana Articles:t. <br /> In further considering the two articles proposed to adopt a temporary moratorium and to limit the <br /> number of retail manj uana establishments,the Finance Committee asked if there are any <br /> alterations being proposed to the Board of selectmen at their September 11,2017 meeting. <br /> In response Town Manager Rodney C. Collins indic ate d that an alternative.has been drafted by <br /> Town Counsel relative to Article#14 Draft 6 pertaining to the proposed General Bylaw <br /> limiting the number of retail man uana establishments. The alternate for this article which has <br /> not been considered by the Board of selectmen would reference it as a Zoning Bylaw limiting <br /> the number of retail marijuana establishments. This amendment if it is so desired would limit the <br /> number of establishments by Zoning Bylaw versus General Bylaw. To adopt a Zoning Bylaw <br /> relative to limiting the number o,f retail marylvuana establishments to less than 0 o�f`the number <br /> of liquor licenses in the Town and restricting the retail maryuana establishments to the <br /> .industrial (1-1) District, <br /> Mashpee currently has (9)licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages within the Town. Twenty <br /> percent of nine is 1.8. Fewer than 0% equals 1) for the Town of Mashpee. This action would <br /> also rewire a 13 d's vote at Town Meeting instead of a majority rule of votes taken at Town <br /> Ileetin . <br /> With regards to the General Bylaw relative to the adoption of a Temporary Moratorium, there is <br /> an amendment to the timeframe from 2 years to 18 months as per the Attorney General's Office. <br /> The moratorium would run until December 31, 2018. <br /> In considering an alternative, it was noted there is no article in favor or against the proposed <br /> moratorium and/or recreational sales* In the event Article#13 was defeated, and the citizens <br /> determined not to impose a moratorium,the following article would determine the licensing or <br /> by ox ng, and would control the limit with respect to the number of establishments, If the <br /> voters support Article#13 to impose a temporary moratorium,Article#14 to limit the number of <br /> establishments would be mute. And, if Article#i 13 and A tiele#14 are voted down,the Town <br /> would be required to hold a Special Town Meeting to regulate this matter. <br />