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H <br /> E BETA Y' ,PORT: Minutes for the regular meeting held on .August 10, 2017 were <br /> nailed to members before the meeting. A motion was made by gill Allen and seconded by <br /> Richard Halpern to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> Minutes for the executive session held on August 10, 2017 were mailed to members before the <br /> meeting. A notion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by dill Allem to accept the <br /> minutes as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on August 21, 2017 with the selectmen were mailed to <br /> members before the meeting. A. motion was made by dill Allen and seconded by Devin <br /> hackett to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was adopted* <br /> TRE ASURER' EPORT & BUDGET UPDATE*. Mrs. Botsford stated that the accountant <br /> had prepared the Budget to Actual report based on the Fiscal Year 2017 figures, since budget <br /> guidelines have not been issued so we cannot do our budget for Fiscal Year 20 18 yet. Mrs. <br /> Botsford reviewed the report and explained any variances. Mrs. Botsford presented the walTants <br /> for review and signature. The warrants for signature tonight are for the month of August 2017 <br /> and total as follows; $39,262.17 for 4001, $79,832.00 for MRVP, $41,757.18 for Asher's bath <br /> Apartments, $12,837.02 for HAP, and$9,062.09 for Great Cove Community. <br /> We have all residents paid in full at all developments with the exception of one. We expect that <br /> rent very soon. We are 100% occupied at all developmentsO <br /> A motion was made by Devin Sha chett and seconded by dill Allen to accept the Treasurer's <br /> Report as presented* The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRE ' OR' REPORT & UPDATES*., <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her reports for August and had a few items to add: <br /> 0 Spectrum will be at Asher's Path next Monday and Wednesday for their review and <br /> inspection ofAsher's Path. <br /> 0 The : H D PM (property Management Review) is still scheduled to be held on October <br /> 6. <br /> 0 Carver Housing Authority is going ole. There is an item further on the agenda to discuss <br /> the management contract and my contract. There is a ton of work to do in Carver, mostly <br /> administrative work but also some outstanding maintenance and capital items. <br /> 0 I did a presentation to Finance Committee on the application that we submitted to CPC <br /> for the Buy-Down Program. Many questions were asked and answered and they seemed <br /> supportive. I just heard from a reporter, that the selectmen withdrew this article, even <br /> after unanimously supporting it at their meeting when I attended and made the <br /> presentation. <br /> 0 I've updated the MHA profile and am handing it out to all members, since a lot has <br /> changed <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />