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05/16/2019 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
05/16/2019 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> Thursday, May 16, 2019 <br /> The analysis calls out for certain input, and it is time to begin defining those. The Sewer Commission needs to agree to a <br /> formal position and process, so that information can be plugged into the model, <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that it has always been the position of the Sewer Commission that betterments will not be charged. <br /> Capital facilities will go on the tax base. The Sewer Commission is the only authority in terms of betterments and rates <br /> and,when talking about rates,we cannot put all the load on that small group of people who are tied into the system. There <br /> should be an emphasis on fairness. <br /> Mr. Lyons suggested that the first phase, to include the plant and the initial sewers, would be built into the general tax <br /> base. As soon as they are operating and the Town has operating costs associated with them, the Town would also have a <br /> revenue stream, and revenues would be applied to our operating budget. At the end of the five-year period, we would <br /> have a better Idea of the process and how many more sewers we have to lay, at which time we can look at finances again. <br /> Mr. Gottlieb stated that it is better to retreat and fight another day than to recover from a loss. While the Warrant articles <br /> were pulled, disinformation spread to the neighbors, and an unfavorable draft financial analysis was presented, the two <br /> articles can be submitted again for inclusion on the October Town Meeting Warrant. In the meantime, the Town has a <br /> significant new income source in the short term rental tax, and Cape Cod is the 5th largest market in the world for Airbnb. <br /> Three-quarters of that revenue, by formula, is set aside for infrastructure purposes. The Town could consider doing what <br /> Sandwich has done, which Is to create a 2%surcharge water infrastructure fund and decrease the Community Preservation <br /> Act from 3% to 2%. Mr. Gottlieb stated that he Is Mashpee's representative on the Management Board for the Water <br /> Protection Trust Fund. The model for assistance is principle forgiveness on state revolving fund (SRF) loans. The <br /> Management Board has sole discretion to set the allocation formula, but they cannot set the allocation until they know what <br /> the flow of money will be, which won't likely happen until the fall. <br /> Mr. Lyons inquired why the Town would want to create a separate Wastewater District when we have an existing Water <br /> District, and all that is needed is a professional individual who is well-managed. Mr. Gottlieb stated that,with a Wastewater <br /> District, the plan can be written and implemented without having to be negotiated with the Water District. Furthermore, <br /> he has never seen a vote by the Water District Commissioners that they would support and implement the Town's <br /> Wastewater Plan. Mr. Lyons asked if a Water/Sewer District would have authority to impose taxes on each property, and <br /> Mr. Gottlieb answered that, if the wastewater component were linked to the Water District as it currently exists, it would <br /> ride along on their taxation authority. The Water/Sewer District would set a tax rate that would allow them to collect as <br /> much money as needed, given the assessments, and that would be a surcharge on their bill, separate and discreet from <br /> the Town. <br /> Mr. Fudala reminded everyone present that a Water/Sewer District would be a utility entity only. While the Wastewater <br /> Plan has many components to it, the only piece that would go to the Water/Sewer District would be the utilities, <br /> Furthermore, legislation for the Water/Sewer District has a bonding cape of$200M,where the Water District's cap is$20M. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that the Sewer Commission favors a Water/Sewer District, but they would go along with whatever the <br /> Selectmen decide. Mr. Lyons recommended putting that in writing and sending it to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Gottlieb also suggested that the Sewer Commission make a statement, one way or the other, about whether to run the <br /> plants through a contractor/operator. The narrative associated with the financial analysis made the assumption that it <br /> would be run by a Town Department staffed by Town employees. If the Sewer Commission's intention is to hire a private <br /> contractor, it would be a new number that could be plugged into the analysis, Mr. Fudala stated that the Commissioners <br /> are in agreement that a contractor should be hired to run the plants. <br /> Status of Other Tasks: Mr. Fudala requested a status update on the military base, and Mr. Gottlieb reviewed several <br /> developments. Four towns, plus Barnstable, are in discussions with the base to consider taking over that facility through a <br /> regional grant. The Town Manager attends those meetings. An agreement was signed by the military to give the <br /> wastewater plant and drinking water facility to a non-profit national development corporation that specializes in <br /> public/private infrastructure partnerships,who had partnered with a tribal entity. The military subsequently rescinded that <br /> 2 <br />
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