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Veteran's parking. The Chair suggested allowing the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen to make <br /> the decision to limit parking to Town Hall. Ms. Waterman inquired about enforcement and Mr. Horner <br /> responded that he would not pursue enforcement. Ms. Nadeau inquired whether the Library or Senior <br /> Center had been contacted about the proposal, as a courtesy. Mr. Horner indicated that he had not, <br /> suggesting he would do so after meeting with Mr. Collins. There was consensus from Committee <br /> members that the Boards of the Library and the Senior Center would need to be consulted as a <br /> professional courtesy, prior to being included in the proposal. The Chair suggested that the proposal <br /> be reworded with a focus on Town Hall, and a separate statement expressing interest in following up <br /> with the Library and the Senior Center for their input regarding potential Veterans Parking at those <br /> locations. There was consensus to separate the proposal. Ms. Landry recommended the Committee <br /> vote, adding that, when she made the appointment Mr. Collins, the request was specific to considering <br /> one parking space at Town Hall. <br /> MOTION: Amend Mr. Horner's proposal to limit to recommendation of one space at Town Hall <br /> with an addendum to possibly consider in the future the Mashpee Public Library and Senior <br /> Center, subject to their Boards' approval. <br /> Mr. Horner added that Veterans could now acquire a shellfish license at a reduced rate and, since the <br /> last meeting, over 100 veterans had acquired beach stickers. <br /> MIDC Brochure Subcommittee-The Chair stated that she and Ms. Doyle were working on <br /> developing a photograph opportunity by the ocean over the next month, with a diverse group of 12-15 <br /> people. Ms. Waterman suggested referencing back to the Committee's listed categories and Ms. <br /> Hendricks stated that she was in contact with a variety of groups. Members of the sub-committee were <br /> continuing to reach out to verify contact information for the brochure. <br /> Community Awareness/Diversity Campaign Subcommittee-Ms. Nadeau reported that they <br /> would be meeting on Thursday, June 181H <br /> Child Care October Town Meeting-The Chair would like to keep the item on the agenda. <br /> Committee Members' Outside Activities Reporting-As a member of the Massachusetts <br /> Breast Cancer Coalition Board,Ms. Johnson-Graham announced that they were seeking teams for an <br /> event on August 1711i Participants would be joining from all over and encouraged others to participate, <br /> adding that a discount of$25 was being offered to participate. <br /> Ms. Johnson-Graham reported that the Tribe had a very good turnout for the PowWow, despite <br /> challenges with the weather. Ms. Johnson-Graham stated that an Elders Tent was available for all who <br /> needed a cooler tent,with water available. There was a very positive response to returning to the <br /> homeland rather than the fair grounds. Ms. Johnson-Graham announced that anyone seeking <br /> discounted tickets to attend next year's Pow Wow could contact her directly. <br /> The Chair stated that she attended a program in Falmouth titled"What is Islam?" The Chair <br /> inquired whether there was an Islam population in Mashpee, confirming that there was, and the Chair <br /> was invited to attend services on Friday to learn more. The Chair also learned that there was an anti- <br /> Muslim group located on Cape Cod. The Chair stated that she had brochures available for anyone <br /> interested. There was consensus to share the list of available resources with the Library and school. <br /> 2 <br />