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available at the library. Ms. Waterman suggested inquiring generally about matters of inclusiveness, <br /> and the Chair responded that she would share the efforts of the MIDC when she spoke at the VFW. <br /> MII2C Brochure Subcommittee-The Chair noted that identifying the many groups in <br /> Mashpee had been more challenging than expected, but the groups had been grateful for the interest <br /> and willingness to share information, which would also help with promotion and membership. Ms. <br /> Doyle was continuing to assist with the brochure. An inclusive photo had been taken for the brochure, <br /> and the participants' affiliations and involvement would be included in the brochure. Permission <br /> forms were used for the photos. A draft of the brochure may be available at the next meeting. <br /> Community Awareness Campaign Subcommittee Update-Ms. DeBoer reported that <br /> collection boxes and slips had been placed in the schools, library and Town Hall. There was also a <br /> picture form available for younger students at the Coombs School. Slips would be collected until <br /> October 5 and a collage created from the submissions. Ms. Wilson noted her plan to submit an article <br /> for the next week, now that collection boxes were in place. The Chair reported that the Girl Scouts had <br /> expressed interest in helping, and would refer them to the subcommittee. There was discussion about <br /> confusion regarding the slip of paper, but it was noted that an article in the paper could help to clarify <br /> the campaign, and, in addition, the intent was that the flyer would be distributed with the slips of paper. <br /> Ms. Nadeau indicated that she would follow up at each site to ensure the slips were being distributed. <br /> There was agreement that it could be challenging to convey the intent of campaign. Ms. McCray <br /> suggested that the box looked like a donation collection. Ms. Wilson suggested that the slip should be <br /> attached to the flyer so that when people brought it home to complete, they would have a better <br /> understanding of the intent of the campaign. It was suggested that more specific information could be <br /> added to the box and that the full flyer be provided with the cut off. Ms. Malcolm suggested a mailing <br /> address, in addition to the email address. Ms. Hendricks suggested that people might be more likely to <br /> participate if they completed the slip at the box site, rather than bringing it home. Ms. DeBoer stated <br /> that students would be completing the slip in homeroom class. Mr. Baker felt that more people could <br /> participate with a clearer understanding of the intent, or encouragement to share their thoughts. Ms. <br /> Nadeau suggested that the activity was intended for people to share their ideas and feelings about <br /> inclusion, with the intent of hosting future events to talk more about inclusion, rather than getting <br /> down in details right now. There was also discussion about being cautious to not lead people's <br /> thoughts about how they would respond. Ms. Hendricks suggested making it more clear to the <br /> participants that they were seeking their opinions. Ms. Wilson suggested sharing the campaign <br /> amongst everyone's networks. Mr. Baker suggested the possibility of sharing a few responses to spark <br /> conversation and encourage others to participate and Ms.Nadeau suggested adding an example to the <br /> newspaper article. The Chair would also share the project with Mashpee TV. <br /> Child Care October Town Meeting-Ms. DeBoer confirmed that she would be coordinating <br /> with Key Club and the Honor Society for their assistance. <br /> Committee Members' Outside Activities Reporting-None to report at this time. <br /> Student Representative Update-The Chair stated that the item to add two students instead of <br /> one had not been added to the Board of Selectmen agenda, but would be added to their next meeting. <br /> Human Rights Club/Academy-The Chair met with Effie Purdy who previously ran the <br /> Human Rights Club, which had more recently died down. The Chair would be following up and report <br /> back to the Committee. <br /> 2 <br />
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