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Site Plan Review, July 7, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br /> George wanted the use group and hazard group to be identified; Clover will provide a <br /> letter specifying usage. They will also provide a landscape plan. <br /> Glenn was concerned with the contractor bays as there are restrictions on stored <br /> hazardous materials; there is no vehicle repair other than tenant owned vehicles. The <br /> Board of Health must approve any change of tenant. <br /> Tom wanted curbing along the roadway and parking area. <br /> They need to identify where the fire connection is to be located with electric bell. Clover <br /> said there would be no retail,just contractor rented space. Fire will need to review the <br /> sprinkler system. A building permit is needed for each unit in order to issue a use and <br /> occupancy permit. Fire would also need a written narrative for fire codes. <br /> Tom wanted Clover to continue to work on the storm water removal. The sign could not <br /> be closer than five (5) feet from the property line. Handicap parking was not shown on <br /> the plan. <br /> Clover agreed to modify their plan and show more buffer. <br /> At this point they are ready to go to the Design Review Committee with their landscape <br /> and building plans and also to apply to the Board of Appeals. <br /> Dry Harbor Enterprises <br /> Kevin Kirrane <br /> Wags Road <br /> The building is 4, 300 square feet to be used for boat storage and maintenance. The <br /> property is behind the Tune &Lube on Rte 28. A curb cut is needed from the state. This <br /> is a passive use (spring and fall); they do not want to make Wags Road a thruway. <br /> Fire required a 25-foot buffer for storage of combustibles. The town requires a 10-foot <br /> buffer. I was unclear if fuel storage on boats constitutes bulk storage. They questioned <br /> whether the use was similar to a car lot. Identification of occupancy use type and hazard <br /> class for the proposed plan with a plan for fire protection was needed to identify the risk. <br /> George informed Kevin that regarding the fuel storage contained on boats may require <br /> licensing from the Board of Selectmen due to the aggregate amount of fuel on the <br /> property. <br /> Containment of fuel and ground water issues were discussed also. <br />