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for inadvertently leaving somebody out. Ms. S. Wilson noted that the brochure was identified as a <br /> 2020 version and could be updated as needed. Ms. S. Wilson suggested a volunteer event to introduce <br /> and connect the variety of groups and potential new members. Mr. Fand suggested a summer event, <br /> possibly at Heritage Park. Ms. S. Wilson will gather additional information to share with the <br /> Committee for a potential future project. <br /> Diversity Week-The Chair reported that the final schedule for Friday, January 24, Diversity <br /> Day, was being finalized. A PowerPoint presentation would be part of the program, along with <br /> keynote speaker Pamela Purdy. Arrival would begin at 8:30 a.m. Ms. P. Purdy's icons would be on <br /> display in the art rooms, where she would also work with art students. Invitations would be extended <br /> to the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, MIDC, Chamber of Commerce,Mashpee Americans <br /> with Disabilities Act Committee and would also be shared in the paper. Sponsorship of the event was <br /> by the school system, the MIDC, the Human Rights Club and the Language Department. The Human <br /> Rights Club would also be presenting their Human Rights Academy project. Ms. Hendricks added that <br /> there would also be student performances as part of the event. The Chair will forward the invitation to <br /> Committee members. <br /> Mashpee Speaks T.V. Project,Bill Nay-Mr. Nay was unable to attend this meeting, but <br /> would attend the next meeting in February. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Resignation,Kay Brown-Ms. Brown expressed her interest in continuing to be involved with <br /> the Committee in the supporter program and will work on a letter of resignation. <br /> Recommendation to Board of Selectmen for Two Voting Members-The Chair noted that <br /> two voting member position were currently available, and interest had been expressed by both Mr. <br /> Fand and Mr. Klein, and the Chair distributed their letters of interest. <br /> Mr. Klein explained that he moved to Mashpee as a full time resident in 2013, after a long career as a <br /> business owner in outside sales. While living in Houston during the 1980s, Mr. Klein assisted in <br /> organizing a synagogue for 150 families. Mr. Klein also served with the auxiliary police while living <br /> in Florida and more recently, assisted locally with fundraising efforts. <br /> MOTION: Ms. Johnson-Graham made a motion to accept Mr. Wein's letter of interest and <br /> refer him to the Board of Selectmen. Ms. DeBoer seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair explained that individuals recommended for the Committee would then need to meet with <br /> the Board of Selectmen for their consideration. <br /> Mr. Fand expressed his desire to make people aware of issues of diversity. Mr. Fand shared a book he <br /> had read, and diversity statistics, about Wilmington,NC. <br /> MOTION: Ms. Johnson-Graham made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen, Mr. <br /> Fand, and accept and approve his letter of interest to join MIDC. Ms..Brown seconded the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair asked that Ms. Brown be added as a non-voting member of the Committee. <br /> 2 <br />