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Minutes of Meeting of <br /> Mashpee Plan Review Committee <br /> Tuesday, July 7, 2020 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Charlie asked what the plan was to change the facade and signage. The facade would <br /> require further review. Charlie wanted to know where the current tenants in the building <br /> would be parking. Fausto said there is parking on the side and rear of the building. The <br /> portion out front was used for patrons. Charlie suggested that Mr. Mills meet with him and <br /> the Fire Department to discuss specifics. <br /> Evan Lehrer: No questions. He said he reviewed the change of use, and that the Zoning <br /> Bylaw does allow a change of use as long as the ZBA makes a finding that the change of <br /> use is not substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the present use. The <br /> scope is lawful under the bylaw, and they corroborated that with Counsel. Evan asked if <br /> there is vacant space that once was the commercial part of the building, and if there are <br /> intentions to occupy that space. Mr. Mills said there is someone who currently has a <br /> business off Rte. 130, and would like to lease the far right portion of that space that is <br /> approximately 2,000 sq. ft. for a convenience type store. It is currently in discussion and <br /> planning. Evan said that there is a two-yr. sunset on the previous non-conforming use to <br /> establish a new non-conforming use as being discussed now, and might impact your future <br /> plans to the building. Mr. Mills said yes. Evan said that there is a 2-yr sunset based on the <br /> closure of Zachary's. Mr. Mills said he will be reviewing a proposal with that remaining <br /> portion of the building. <br /> Charlie said that the bylaw is Section 174-19, and he would like to discuss that with Mr. <br /> Mills. <br /> Rodney Collins: No comments. <br /> Drew McManus: No questions. His only comment is that when and if it comes time for <br /> any exterior work on the parking lot towards the rear within 200 ft. of the Riverfront, the <br /> Conservation Department needs to be notified of any changes, ground excavation or any <br /> expansion of the building within that 200 ft. of Riverfront. None of what's proposed triggers <br /> any Conservation review for this project. <br /> Glen Harrington: The retail use is an innocuous use which is the lowest use of all <br /> commercial uses, but would like an update on the septic. Juan said he hired an <br /> environmental company and is waiting for their information. Glen wants to get the septic <br /> fixed on that property. He said if it were staying a Title 5 system it would require a septic <br /> inspection because it's a change of use. Glen said since dealing with DEP he wants to be <br /> updated. No other comments. <br /> Catherine Laurent: No issues with the proposed use but has questions on the site itself <br /> in terms of when to expect some improvements to the parking lot. The issue that DPW has <br /> is the drainage and the lack of drainage on the property. There was work done several <br /> years ago on Great Neck Rd. North there was some drainage within the road layout to try <br /> and capture some of the runoff from this property, but there is still a sizeable flow on the <br /> South driveway that runs across Great Neck Rd. North towards the sidewalk and washes <br /> out that area. She wants a time frame when there will be some improvement to the parking <br /> lot itself. <br /> Juan said that he is working with the Sage Environmental for the ground water flow test, <br /> and is waiting for BSC Group for the new septic information. Catherine asked if the plans <br /> included structures to capture any storm water runoff to be kept on the property. Juan said <br /> that Sage Environmental is working with BSC Group. <br /> 2 <br />