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8 <br /> Mr. Lewis responded that there have been no problems with the collection system. Lift stations are <br /> maintained 2-4 times each year in conjunction with maintenance pumping for the treatment center. <br /> There are presently no septic systems, but fields had been used prior to installing the plant. The <br /> facility was initially constructed in 1987_ Primary tanks are pumped to remove sludge and methanol is <br /> used but isolated in another building. The Chair also noted that the original discharge site and plant <br /> are located in Zone 2 but, with changes in the state standards,the discharge area was re-located in June <br /> 2009 to a leaching area outside of Zone 2. <br /> Lombardo PRB Proposal and August 9 Board of Selectmen Meeting <br /> The Chair confirmed that discussion about Pio Lombardo's proposal has been scheduled for 7 p.m. on <br /> Monday, August 9 at the Board of Selectmen meeting. Chairman Fudala has provided the information <br /> about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Mr. Lombardo's proposal to the BOS. Discussion <br /> ensued about the whether the $5,000 fee requested by Mr. Lombardo was itemized. The Chair noted <br /> that it did not include all four projects and that the fee was specifically requested to cover the costs of <br /> grant writing for the Pirate's Cove PRB project. Mr. Klenert is seeking clarification about the two <br /> systems that Mr. Lombardo proposed,the PRB and the perforated pipe. Mr. O'Hara stated that <br /> residents have expressed concern that the contract has not been part of a bidding process. Mr. O'Hara <br /> clarified that the Commission has authorized W. Lombardo to write a grant,which does not require a <br /> bidding process, and that he has not been awarded a contract to complete the work. Commissioners <br /> were in agreement that the technologies should be considered and that the work should go out for bid. <br /> The Chair summarized that $5,000 would be requested from the Board of Selectmen to authorize Mr. <br /> Lombardo to prepare the paperwork for the SRF grant that would grant $100,000 to determine which <br /> technology would be most effective and then a determination would be made whether Mashpee wishes <br /> to construct the $3 million system. Commissioners agreed that Mr.Lombardo will have an advantage <br /> over others since he will be drafting the grant application and the Chair noted that the same would be <br /> true for GHD. Chairman Fudala further stated that engineering projects do not legally require a <br /> bidding process although it can create a perception problem_ Commissioners were in agreement that <br /> the construction process would be competitive. <br /> j Chairman Fudala reported that since providing the documents to the Board of Selectmen, he was in <br /> receipt of a signed letter of support far Mr. Lombardo's proposal from approximately 30 residents of <br /> Pirates Cove as well as a July 18 letter of support from Coby Rockstein and Tina Aaronstein. <br /> Additionally, Mr. Lombardo provided an addendum to his previous proposal and a scope of work for <br /> the project. Chairman Fudala will forward the documents to the BOS. In preparation for the <br /> upcoming meeting, the Chair suggested that Mr. Marcelli, as Clerk of the Commission, request <br /> permission for Mr. Lombardo to address the Board of Selectmen. Mr.Klenert recommended that <br /> discussion be focused on the request for$5,000 but to be prepared to answer questions about the <br /> proposal. Commissioners also discussed the tight timeline between the request for funds and the <br /> deadline for the grant application. Mr. Lombardo has initiated grant preparation with the scope of <br /> work and assembling of needed documents. Studies'and testing will also be conducted as part of the <br /> grant application preparation. Mr. Lombardo stated that the package he prepares could also be used to <br /> pursue other sources of funding. Mr. Lombardo also stated that he expects the project to qualify for <br /> the fundable range and he hopes it will be in the green reserve area, qualifying for$100,000-$150,000. <br /> Mr. O'Hara suggested that his scope of work be broken down into percentage of funding used. It was <br /> noted that the grant request requires approval before discussing a contract that would require a bidding <br /> process. <br /> 2 <br />