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maintenance supplies related to COVID-19 then DHCD is going to be extremely flexible. Mrs. <br /> Botsford will get in touch with the accountant to see if it is possible for him to do a remote <br /> meeting and prepare some financials before the next board meeting. <br /> The warrants for signature tonight are for the month of April 2020 and total as follows: <br /> $78,491.04 for 4001, $51,768.00 for MRVP, $42,671.43 for Asher's Path Apartments, $ 9,517.16 <br /> for HAP,and$30,817.66 for Great Cove Community. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that the bank accounts are almost fully transitioned. Vendor web system <br /> requires a hard copy of the board approving the account# change. For this reason, Mrs. Botsford <br /> has had to keep both the MRVP and the main 4001 checking accounts open at TD Bank for now <br /> so that deposits can be received. There was also a delay in getting the payroll account changed <br /> over, so she has had to use the TD 4001 checking account for that. Mrs. Botsford presented the <br /> paperwork for the board to approve and sign tonight so that the Comptroller's office can update <br /> Vendor Web with our new account information at Rockland Trust. This paperwork was reviewed <br /> and signed by the chair. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that, with the exception of the one tenant under eviction, we have no rent <br /> delinquencies at any of our developments. <br /> A motion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by Kevin Shackett to accept the <br /> Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> At this time,the chair announced that she wished to take Executive Session out of order and <br /> stated the following: "Housing authority meetings are public meetings; however,per Open <br /> Meeting Law there are certain topics that may be discussed in executive, or closed, session. At <br /> this time,we will be heading into executive session for the purpose of conducting a strategy <br /> session in preparing negotiations with non-union personnel. After executive session concludes, <br /> we will be going back into regular session to address other agenda items and to conclude this <br /> meeting. I request that a member moves to enter into executive session." A motion was made <br /> by Kevin Shackett and seconded by Richards Halpern to move into executive session for <br /> the purpose of conducting a strategy session in preparing negotiations with non-union <br /> personnel. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> The chair then called for a roll-call vote to enter executive session: <br /> Richard Halpern: YES <br /> Kevin Shackett YES <br /> And myself, Jill Allen YES <br /> At approximately 5:12 the board entered executive session and the regular meeting was <br /> suspended. <br /> At approximately 5:35 the board left executive session and returned to the regular meeting.. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: Mrs. Botsford started her report by <br /> informing the board that she was formally giving notice to retire as Executive Director for the <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />