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allowed under the Plan Review process in all commercial and industrial districts.. <br /> "(1.4) Automatic teller machines," <br /> Add anew Section. 174.25.1 which reads as follows: <br /> "174-25.1 Standards for development in -3 districts.. <br /> Development in the C-3 district shall he subject to the following standards: <br /> A minimum of forty percent (40%) of the site skull be left in its undisturbed natural state. <br /> Except upon a favorable vote of the Planning :hoard, no individual building may exceed 10,000 <br /> sq.ft. of gross first floor area... <br /> No more than one driveway access may be permitted onto any parcel from an adjacent Town or <br /> state roadway. Unless prohibited by topographic, wetland or traffic safety conditions which, in <br /> the opinion of the Planning Board, it is not feasible to overcome, any driveway access to the site <br /> shall be located where the side line of the property intersects such roadway in order to facilitate <br /> shared driveway access with existing or future development on the adjacent property. where a <br /> parcel has access available from a paved public or private way other than Routes 2 , 151 or 130 <br /> or Great Neck Road, or where it would be feasible to obtain an access easement from such other <br /> way, no direct driveway access will be permitted from Routes 28, 151 or 130 or from Great <br /> Neck Road North or South. <br /> Except for driveway access to the site approved by the Planning Board and notwithstanding any <br /> other provisions of this chapter, any structures, clearing or other development on the site shall <br /> be located at least one hundred (100) feet from any residentially zoned parcel outside this <br /> District and there shall be a one hundred (100) foot buffer area left in its undisturbed natural <br /> state adjacent to any residentially zoned parcel outside this District. Depth of said buffer or <br /> building setback may be reduced to 50 feet for lots of lens than two acres in area upon a <br /> favorable vote of the Planning Board after review and recommendation to the Board by the <br /> Design.. Review Committee. The owners of such residentially .zoned parcel. shall be notified by <br /> certified mail at least 14 days in advance of any meeting at which the Planning Board is to <br /> consider such a reduction in the buffer area or building setback. <br /> Signage, lighting and any noisy or odorous activities shall be located so as not to have any <br /> significant adverse impact on adjacent or nearby residentially zoned parcels. <br /> Off-street parking facilities shall only be allowed to the side or rear of the principal building on <br /> any lot. Where the lot fronts on Route 28, 151 or 130, or great Neck Road North or South, as <br /> well as on another street, the lot line(s) along Route 28, 151 or 130, or Great Neck Road North <br /> or South, shall be considered the front for the purposes of this subsection. Where more than one <br /> building is to be located on a lot, the Planning Board shall determine which is to be considered. <br /> the principal building. For sites which front on more than one of the roads named above, the <br /> Planning Board shall determine which road or roads will constitute the front for the purposes of <br /> this subsection."'; <br /> In the Section 174-31 "Land Space Requirements Table", delete the "C-1-Sv" and "C-1-0" <br /> rows, add a new "C-3" row and indicate the following dimensional standards in the C-3 row: <br />