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24 <br />Article 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- <br />propriate the sum of $500.00 for legal and engineering ex- <br />penses of Town layouts, or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Upon motion duly made and seconded it was <br />voted to accept the article as read. <br />Unanimous vote. <br />Article 50. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from <br />the treasury,1 funds in Yavailable <br />the sum of <br />unappropriated <br />150.OQ for Civil Defense, or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Upon motion duly made and seconded it was <br />voted to accept the article as read. <br />Unanimous vote. <br />Article 51. To see if the Town will vote to hold the An- <br />nual Town Meeting on the first Monday in March in the eve- <br />ning, starting at seven P.M. and to have the annual Town <br />election on the first Tuesday in March, the polls to be opened <br />at one P.M. and closed at seven-thirty P.M., or take any <br />@@ <br />action thereon. <br />Action: Upon motion duly made and seconded it was <br />voted to accept the article as read. <br />Vote: 52 for, 3 opposed. <br />Article 52. To see if the Town will vote to. accept Chap- <br />ter 41, Section 97 of the General Laws; "an act which estab- <br />Iappoints aafishesapolicedepartmentundertheSelectmen, pp <br />Chief of Police, and other officers as they deem necessary, <br />6 and fixes their compensation", or take any other action <br />r <br />thereon. <br />Action: Upon motion duly made and seconded it was <br />1' voted to accept Chapter 41, Section 97 of the General Laws an <br />act which establishes a police department under the Select- <br />i men, appoints a Chief of Police and other officers as they <br />deem necessary and fixes their compensation not exceeding in <br />the aggregate, the annual appropriation therefor. In any <br />such Town in which such appointments are not subject to <br />I <br />lectmenChapter31theyshallbemadeannuallyandtheSe <br />I ` <br />I