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the reader. The chair asked if this could be combined with books on race. The chair also noted <br /> that Coutit Library has a book club on race and the Nantucket Athenium recently ran a <br /> discussion on the book Caste facilitated by a local minister. <br /> 3. Chamber of Commerce/Mashpee TV. JoAnn Nadeau talked to Katie Acheson,the Executive <br /> Assistant. The Executive Director Mary Lou Palumbo has retired Ms Acheson reports that the <br /> office is open and that new residents are stopping in or emailing. Our brochure is available. The <br /> budget is tight because big fund raisers couldn't be scheduled. Ms Acheson is willing to attend <br /> our meetings and would provide a representative from the business community. The chair will <br /> arrange for this in the future. <br /> 4. LGTBQ The chair has informed the Human Rights Club of the scholarship available honoring <br /> Mr. Sam Samuelson. Sue Wilson reported that Cape Cod Pride and PFLAG continue to offer <br /> programs a few times a week via Zoom. <br /> 5. Social Media: The chair asked Mohamad Faid to review FB pages and web sites of the various <br /> committees in the coalition along with town departments. The idea of an information only site <br /> could be considered. The chair had contacted local sites to see if the committee could post <br /> announcements but the committee would need to be a member of FaceBook. The chair noted <br /> that sites like Mashpee Message can be a positive force giving the example of a post that <br /> resulted in a number of local volunteers to help the elderly with scheduling vaccinations. <br /> 6. Police Department. The chair reported that committees in the coalition have been questioning <br /> why acts of vandalism involving racism are not designated as hate crimes. Katie Hennessey <br /> explained that investigations can be difficult, are pursued ,and all police records are available to <br /> the public. The chair asked what elements must be present in order to be identified as a hate <br /> crime. Officer Hennessey will discuss with Chief Carline. <br /> 7. Interfaith Panel. The chair reported that slow progress is being made. She is seeking <br /> participation from a local rabbi as Mashpee does not have its own synagogue. Already on <br /> board is Father Healey from Christ the King, Jonathon Singer of the Mashpee Congregational <br /> Church, Richard Donahue from the Baha'i group,Anita Peters (Mother Bear) from the <br /> Wampanoag Tribe. She is still seeking a representative from the Mashpee Baptist Church <br /> which unfortunately lost its pastor. Once established the 6 person panel will participate in a <br /> Zoom program through Mashpee TV. Joanne Nadeau referenced a similar group in New <br /> Bedford which meets regularly for listening sessions. Plymouth has a similar inter faith group. <br /> 8. Mashpee Enterprise: Dan Kupferman reports there was positive feedback on his column on <br /> Billy Pocknett. Tribal members and Billy himself were pleased because their story needs to be <br /> told. Dan's March column will focus on the committee's involvement with the schools <br /> specifically the Human Rights Club and the Human Rights Academy. He is coming in with a <br /> fresh look. The chair also noted the very informative monthly article written by Supt. DeBoer <br /> 9. Town: The chair noted that the Senior Center offers an opportunity for elders to communicate <br /> via Zoom every Tuesday. <br /> 10. League of Women Voters. The Cape Cod chapter has an education subcommittee led by retired <br /> Supt. Of Schools Karen Mazza. A resource directory is being generated with references <br /> pertaining to racial and social justice. This will be sent to all schools. <br /> 11. Coalition. The new Cape Cod/South Shore Coalition is meeting every two months and <br /> Mashpee provides the Zoom connection. It is growing in leaps and bounds It recently added the <br /> Bourne Wareham Race Amity Group and the Bourne Inclusion and Equity Committee from the <br /> Bourne Public Schools.Aside from meetings the committees are networking via email. The <br /> chair will pursue the possibility of committees joining together to provide programs and sharing <br /> resources. <br /> 12. Tribal :As Winnie was not present the chair discussed the tragic loss of Selectman David <br /> Weeden's young grandson. She paid her respects prior to the funeral ceremony representing the <br />