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Minutes of Meeting <br /> Design Review Committee <br /> Tuesday, July 20, 2021 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Joe seconded. All were in favor of the sign relocation. All were in favor. <br /> 8:45 am Project Address: 44 Falmouth Rd. <br /> Business Name: Fashion Foods (d.b.a. Wendy's) <br /> Owner/Agent: Terry Smily <br /> Architect/Engineer: Gary Sadler, Upland Architects <br /> Request: Renovation to existing commercial building, A-2 <br /> Assembly (commercial fast food restaurant), and existing <br /> convenience store to remain), 70 sq. ft. sign on building and <br /> reface existing monument sign. <br /> Mr. Sadler presented the proposal that consists of a Wendy's restaurant replacing <br /> the existing location that was Honey Dew. The convenience store will remain the <br /> same. The footprint will remain the same, but there will be an extension of an <br /> exterior cooler that is shown in the rendering on the left side of the building. There <br /> is also a new dormer that will have the proposed signage. The rest of the building <br /> will be clad and new vinyl. There is intent to reconfigure the site and include a more <br /> pervious area, and other benefits to modify the queuing of the drive-thru as well as <br /> increased parking. The lot will be resealed and restriped for parking. <br /> Mr. Callahan asked if the entire building will be resided. Mr. Smily said that they <br /> will reside the entire building. He likes the traditional look of the building. <br /> Mr. Furbush asked if the renderings were the corporate colors for all Wendy's. He <br /> asked if the dumpster was too tight for the drive-thru. Mr. Smily said that nothing <br /> has changed. <br /> Dave asked if the dumpster will be emptied during off hours. Mr. Smily said; yes. <br /> Mr. Callahan asked if there will be more traffic issues. Mr. Sadler said that the <br /> rendering does show an increase in the queuing/stacking than what is there now, <br /> but the site modifications will improve by increasing the impervious lot area. There <br /> is currently a lot more pavement than needed. The proposal does conform to <br /> typical vehicular dimensions for the turning radius. <br /> Mr. Furbush asked if they had knowledge of the stacking at other Wendy's <br /> locations. Mr. Smily said he was not sure of the vehicle stacking at the other <br /> locations, but there is another entrance from Cape Drive to accommodate vehicles. <br /> Mr. Sadler said that the proposal from the 32 to 34 parking spaces will be an <br /> improvement and will make the site more efficient. <br /> 2 <br />