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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> JULY 24,2019 <br /> Bill Blaisdell said he was present at the Design Review meeting,and that Miles commented <br /> on the landscaping and liked what was presented. Charlie Maintanis said that he remembers <br /> the request was to leave the native species. Matt said he incorporated his requests into the <br /> revised plan. <br /> Chairman Furbush commented that the bylaw (174-31, fn: 14) is written that the Town <br /> wants the natural buffer. Matt said that bylaws are a general rule to guide, and there are <br /> case specific scenarios where it doesn't meet the bylaw, and sometimes there's a variance <br /> request. The Chairman said that there is variance criteria in order to qualify. Attorney <br /> Kirrane said that there's a topographical situation that would come into play. He said that <br /> there has been movement away from this situation because the scrub pines, and underbrush <br /> puts businesses along Rte. 28 and Rte. 151 at a competitive disadvantage which he <br /> suggested would be a hardship, and suggested that retaining some of the natural state and <br /> supplementing the landscaping that is basically natural to the Cape Cod area is far more <br /> attractive to the eye than scrub pine and underbrush. <br /> Jonathan said that the Board denied a building petition with Mashpee Commons because <br /> of the location.He said in his opinion he would like to see a better landscape plan.Attorney <br /> Kirrane said he can return with a revised-plan if that is the Board's recommendation. — <br /> Ron said as one member he recommended to get Charlie Rowley's input so if the Board <br /> chooses to make a decision,his review could address Jonathan's concerns. Jonathan polled <br /> the Board asking if they had any comments or questions. Ron and Bill would like Charlie <br /> Rowley to review the plans. <br /> Jonathan referred to the Plan Review meeting minutes dated May 21, 2019, and the <br /> concerns submitted by the various departments. There was a conversation regarding the <br /> entrance and exit of the proposed project that requires Mass DOT approval because Rte. <br /> 28 is 4 State road. Jonathan asked Matt if he got in touch with the owners of Shellback <br /> Way regarding the road maintenance. Matt said he has not looked into any road <br /> maintenance on Shellback Way, and he has not spoken to the owners. Matt said he needs <br /> DPW permits and curb cuts that are typically done after permitting. Jon asked why he <br /> didn't make a phone call to the residents. Matt said he needs to discuss permitting before <br /> road improvements. Jonathan mentioned the Board of Health, and the Town Planner's <br /> comments and concerns regarding the possibility of the entrance becoming a "cut- <br /> through'. Matt said a speed table is depicted on the plan page C-101; there's one in front <br /> of the building and another at the entrance and exit onto Shellback Way. <br /> 9 <br />