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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> DECISION FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT <br /> Petitioner, Thomas E. Fair <br /> (Owner of Record: Evergreen Energy LLC) <br /> 588 Main St. (21 Evergreen Circle) <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> SP-2019-44 <br /> Bill Blaisdell noticed that the changes to the building were addressed that were <br /> requested by the Design Review committee. <br /> Ron asked Evan,Town Planner if the Planning Board ever had input or conditioned <br /> an approval in reference to a rain garden on a maintenance plan. Evan said he could not <br /> answer that question without any specificity. He said maybe it would be an appropriate <br /> condition that adequate maintenance could be required as a condition of the special permit <br /> to maintain the rain garden. Evan said that the Planning Board will often require a storm <br /> water maintenance plan,and that maintenance plan would be accepted as part of the special <br /> permit, and that plan would outline the criteria that the special permit recipient would be <br /> required to maintain their storm water infrastructure. The consulting engineer would make <br /> the inspections and are triggered upon requests of the applicant to either modify the special <br /> permit or inspections would be placed as a condition of the special permit. <br /> Dan Ojala commented that it's very smart that the Town encourage rain gardens, <br /> and even a marginal one is better than dumping into catch basins. There's a lot of vital <br /> activity with top soil. He said he would not discount grass because it's a very strong <br /> absorber of nitrogen. The size of rain gardens has to be significant to have beneficial <br /> impact. <br /> Jonathan wanted to know if 21 Evergreen Circle was asking for a Variance from <br /> §174-25.1 (1). Attorney Kirrane said it is not applicable, and is only applicable to the C-3 <br /> Zoning District. <br /> Evan said that there are only two lots that front on Main St. that are in the C-3 <br /> Commercial Zone. Everything beyond those two lots down Evergreen Circle are in the I-1 <br /> Zoning District which are not applicable under the bylaw Section 174-25.1 (1). <br /> There were no more comments from the Board. <br /> The Board of Health and Conservation comments were read into the record. <br /> Charlie Maintanis commented under Section 174-37 location of parking facilities. <br /> There are a couple of parking spaces in the front of the property but they are for <br /> handicapped access which is the safest closest location. There is no relief required. <br /> Attorney Kirrane said that the handicapped parking is located at the safest location <br /> and not near the flow of traffic. <br /> There were no more comments from the audience. <br /> 3 <br />