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The Torn Planner- suggested Applicant provide trip <br /> distribution information based upon an ea ter.l r direction. <br /> Some concerns were raised. regarding safety at the <br /> intersection of South Sandwich Road. <br /> The Chairman recognized Jennifer Conl y who addressed <br /> those traffic concerns raised by the Town Planner. She <br /> explained that she had misunderstood the Town Planner' s <br /> comment regarding traffic data. She will provide the daily <br /> traffic information. She will also clarify the sight <br /> distances . The Town Planner requested specific information <br /> regarding the measurements for sight distances . <br /> Steve Dolan asked if there were any suggested <br /> improvements at the South a-ndwich Road intersection . Ms. <br /> Conley agreed this is a difficult intersection with a high <br /> accident history. She stated the desired condition at an <br /> intersection such as this- is when you can tee off more <br /> properly with a more standard - dec ree curve. <br /> The Town Planner suggested an increase in the distance <br /> between the project entrance a-nd the intersection. <br /> Steve Dolan mentioned the residents of Juniper Lane <br /> have voiced their concerns for safety issues as well . <br /> John McShane inquired if a speed reduction on South <br /> Sandwich load would be possible. <br /> The Town Planner responded the road is Town owned and <br /> controlled, the issue being speed limits are used upon <br /> certain standards. During peak fours the traffic is such <br /> that the traffic speed is very low. He suggested the <br /> signal time at the traffic light be investigated (green <br /> time for left-turns) and regularizing/designing the South <br /> Sandwich Road intersection, to which the Developer could <br /> contribute. <br /> Attorney Kirrane in-formed the Board of the Developer' s <br /> desire to cooperate with the Planning o rd regarding <br /> mitigation. <br /> (At this point the Chairman entertained a motion <br /> regarding the : o and 7 : 45 p.m. Public Hearings) <br /> MOTION: Lee Gurney made a Motion to further continue <br /> the Pudic Hearing for Windchime Point - Approval of <br />