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The appointed hour having arrived the Chairman called this matter to order and <br /> recognized Attorney Jack McElhinney, representing the Applicant. He intr duced'l avid <br /> Wood, Chief operating Officer; and Matthew Eddy, Baxter&Nyen in ering. <br /> Attorney McElhinney updated the Board on progress-made in this matter since he <br /> appeared at the last meeting. <br /> Plans have been submitted to the Design Review Committee. Mr. Eddy stated <br /> that he has submitted plans,and cover letter to Rich Stevens and they discussed the <br /> possibility of an administrative approval. <br /> The Chairman suggested a formal plan review meeting in order to provide <br /> everyone the opportunity to review the plans. <br /> The Town Planner noted that the Plan Review' and Design Review act as an <br /> advisory to the Planning Board and that these comments are needed and.required for a <br /> Planning.Board decision. <br /> Attorney McElhinney stated a full set of formal plans will be submitted tomorrow <br /> (February 5, 009) and will reflect all of the agreed changes. He also plans to conduct <br /> another meeting with the abutters. There was a meeting on Monday evening(February 2, <br /> 2009) at wilIo rbend to formally review the 4 8-unit plan,.including the relocation of <br /> Simons n Road. Two couples attended the meeting, one from wil to bend and one from <br /> Cranberry Ridge. <br /> Attorney McElhinney also submitted approximately 60-letters of support from the <br /> willowbend community comprised of 40-residents, and an additional. o-equity members <br /> who are part owners of the Club. <br /> At this point the Town Planner stated that he is in possession of letters-of <br /> opposition to the project from abutters. <br /> Point of Information: Copies of said letters, both in support and opposition to the <br /> project are filed herewith as part of the official record submitted to the Town Clerk. <br /> Attorney McElhinney clarified that there have been approximately tern meetings <br /> with the abutters, which includes six meetings on the willowbend property and four-with <br /> the Planning Board. This is the fifth Public Hearing before the Planning Board. He <br /> stated that significant adjustments have been made to the project.inorder-to address <br /> abutter concerns. The density has decreased from 6 --units to 41 -units. The--.road has-been <br /> relocated to the abutters preference,-and the three-story building' closer to the perimeter <br /> have been eliminated. Applicant will either build a fence or vegetated buffer, whichever <br /> the abutters would prefer. <br />